Graphic Elements
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Book Type
Document Type
One leaf document
Entry in a book/register
Inscription in a book/register
On an object
Graphic Element Type
Divine Symbol
Editorial Symbol
Magical Character
Meshunnah Character
Short oblique line
Dots above letters
Broken letters
Lines or symbols above letters
Decoration Type
Format and Location
Technique and Medium
Colour Palette
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene
Figural Pictorial Content: Exterior Scene
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs
Figural Pictorial Content: Human Figures
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects
Figural Pictorial Content: Other
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Penwork)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Other
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Geometrical micrography
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Figurative microcraphy
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Carmina figurata layout
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Carpet page
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Historiated letter
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Zoomorphic letter
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Anthropomorphic letter
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Decorated panel
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Decorated initial
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Decorated section marker
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Penwork decoration
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Colour decoration
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Letter outline
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Gymnastic initials
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Fantastic beasts
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Bas-de-page images
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Bar border
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Flourish work border
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Foliated border
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Inhabited border
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Diaper ground
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Red and blue diaper
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Blank figure on coloured background
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Purple diaper
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Stain glass diaper
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Tendrils diaper
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Display script
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Litterae notabiliores
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Litterae florissae
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Solomon's knot
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Pentagramme
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Sexagramme
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Outline drawing
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Multicoloured letter
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Alternate coloured letters in a word
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Tabula ansata
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Diagram: halakha
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Diagram: kabbala
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Diagram: medicine
(OLD DECORATIONS) - Diagram: sciences
Format and Location - Carpet page
Format and Location - Miniature
Format and Location - Decorated initial word/letter
Format and Location - Marginal image/border decoration
Format and Location - Section markers and other signs
Format and Location - Line fillers
Format and Location - Diagram
Format and Location - Decorated colophon
Format and Location - Masorah magna
Format and Location - Decorated catchword
Format and Location - Other (please specify)
Technique and Medium - Gilding (gold or silver)
Technique and Medium - Full painting
Technique and Medium - Light wash
Technique and Medium - Spare ground painting in ink
Technique and Medium - Penwork drawing
Technique and Medium - Carmina figurata
Technique and Medium - Micrography
Technique and Medium - Other (please specify)
Colour Palette - Gold
Colour Palette - Silver
Colour Palette - White
Colour Palette - Lilac
Colour Palette - Orange
Colour Palette - Pink
Colour Palette - Green
Colour Palette - Yellow
Colour Palette - Teal
Colour Palette - Blue
Colour Palette - Red
Colour Palette - Brown
Colour Palette - Black
Colour Palette - Grey
Colour Palette - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Doorway
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Gable
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Crenelation
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Tower
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Arcade
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Window
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Pinnacle
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Pillar
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Caryatid figure
Figural Pictorial Content: Architecture - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Scenes of prayer and worship
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Scenes of festive meals
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Scenes of betrothal and marriage
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Scenes of circumcision
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Scenes of study and discussion
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Scenes of music-making and dancing
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Scenes of work
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Scenes of mourning
Figural Pictorial Content: Interior Scene - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Exterior Scene - Scenes of hunting
Figural Pictorial Content: Exterior Scene - Scenes of travel
Figural Pictorial Content: Exterior Scene - Scenes of jousting and other martial games
Figural Pictorial Content: Exterior Scene - Scenes of battle
Figural Pictorial Content: Exterior Scene - Scenes of agricultural work
Figural Pictorial Content: Exterior Scene - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Aries
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Taurus
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Gemini
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Cancer
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Leo
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Virgo
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Libra
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Scorpio
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Sagittarius
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Capricorn
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Aquarius
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Pisces
Figural Pictorial Content: Zodiac Signs - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Human Figures - Biblical
Figural Pictorial Content: Human Figures - Mishnaic/talmudic
Figural Pictorial Content: Human Figures - Contemporary (medieval)
Figural Pictorial Content: Human Figures - Body parts only (please specify in observations box)
Figural Pictorial Content: Human Figures - Unidentified
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Lion
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Dog (talbot)
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Dog (greyhound)
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Dog (generic)
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Rabbit/hare
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Stag/hind
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Elephant
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Horse
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Cattle
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Sheep
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Camel
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Donkey
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Monkey
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Wolf
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Leopard
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Fox
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Boar
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Bear
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Frog
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Squirrel
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Quadruped Animals - Unidentified
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Dragon
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Unicorn
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Siren
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Centaur
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Griffin
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Wild man
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Other hybrids (please specify in observations box)
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Other non-hybrids (please specify in observations box)
Figural Pictorial Content: Imaginary Creatures - Unidentified
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Eagle
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Stork/crane
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Falcon/hawk, and other hunting birds
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Owl
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Chicken
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Peacock
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Small birds (please specify in observations box)
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Birds - Unidentified
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Trefoils, round or pointed
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Acanthus
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Palmettes
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Oak leaves (with/without acorns)
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Heart-shaped leaves
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Rosettes
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Fleurs-de-lis
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Fruits/pine cones
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Knobs
Figural Pictorial Content: Foliage - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Shields and other objects featuring heraldic designs
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Keys
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Scissors
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Articles of clothing, headwear or footwear
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Ladders
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Musical instruments
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Axes, knives, swords, non-heraldic shields and bucklers
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Food and drink, and implements for eating and drinking
Figural Pictorial Content: Everyday Objects - Other (please specify)
Figural Pictorial Content: Other - Temple implements
Figural Pictorial Content: Other - Landscape
Figural Pictorial Content: Other - Angels
Figural Pictorial Content: Other - Demons
Figural Pictorial Content: Other - Fish
Figural Pictorial Content: Other - Insects
Figural Pictorial Content: Other - Leopard mask
Figural Pictorial Content: Other - Trees
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Gilt letters
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Zoomorphic/Anthropomorphic letters
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Filled letters: animal, hybrid or human motifs
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Filled letters: vegetal motifs
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Filled letters: knotwork and interlace
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Inhabited letters
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Letters with geometric patterning (including chequered, striped, chevron or other patterns)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Letters with foliate finials
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Letters with scalloped outlines
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Letters in alternating colours
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Letter Decoration - Other (please specify)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Penwork) - Palmettes
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Penwork) - Tendrils
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Penwork) - Non-figural swirls/spirals
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Penwork) - Hatching/Cross-hatching
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Penwork) - Wavy lines
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Penwork) - Groups of three dots
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Penwork) - Other (please specify)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured) - Chequered background
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured) - Lozenged background
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured) - Diapered background (with squares)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured) - Diapered background (with circles)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured) - Monochrome background with tendrils
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured) - Monochrome background with groups of three dots
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured) - Monochrome plain background
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Background Decoration (Coloured) - Other (please specify)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Acanthus border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Greek key border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Interlace border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Wavy-line-and-dots border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Ribbon border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Striped border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Twisted rope/guilloche border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Zigzag border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Scalloped border
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Decorated Border - Other (please specify)
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Other - geometric and abstract shapes
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Other - penwork flourish
Non-Figural Pictorial Content: Other - interlace and knotwork
Divine Symbol
Two yods
Three yods
Four yods
Yods with symbols/abbreviation signs
Variant of Elohim
Editorial Symbol Type
Signe de renvoi
Collation sign
Text management
Editorial Symbol
Signe de renvoi - circle
Signe de renvoi - circle + line
Signe de renvoi - manicule
Signe de renvoi - other
Collation sign - graphic symbol
Collation sign - textual or abbreviation
Collation sign - other
Text management - Insertion sign
Text management - Replacement sign
Text management - Correction sign
Graphic space fillers
Extended letters
Reduced letters
Broken letters
Change of script register
Writing above the line horizontally
Writing above the line obliquely
Writing below the line
Vertical writing
Change of orientation of letter components
Kaph: final
Mem: final
Nun: final
Pe: final
Ṣade: final
Letter Component
Aleph: Main oblique stroke
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke
Aleph: Right arm
Aleph: Roof on the right arm
Aleph: Serifs
Beth: Upper horizontal bar
Beth: Right-hand downstroke
Beth: Base
Beth: Serifs
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke
Gimel: Left-hand stroke
Gimel: Head
Gimel: Serifs
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke
Daleth: Serifs
He: Upper horizontal bar
He: Right-hand downstroke
He: Left-hand downstroke
He: Serifs
Vav: Main stem/downstroke
Vav: Head
Vav: Serifs
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke
Zayin: Head
Zayin: Serifs
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Serifs
Ṭeth: Right arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm
Ṭeth: Left arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm
Ṭeth: Serifs
Yod: Main stroke
Yod: Head
Yod: Serifs
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke
Kaph: Base
Kaph: Serifs
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar
Kaph: final: Descender
Kaph: final: Serifs
Lamed: Ascender/mast
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast
Lamed: Horizontal bar
Lamed: Downstroke
Lamed: Serifs
Mem: Right-hand downstroke
Mem: Base
Mem: Left-hand downstroke
Mem: Left arm
Mem: Roof on the left arm
Mem: Serifs
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Serifs
Nun: Main stem/downstroke
Nun: Base
Nun: Head
Nun: Serifs
Nun: final: Descender
Nun: final: Head
Nun: final: Serifs
Samekh: Upper horizontal bar
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke
Samekh: Serifs
'Ayin: Right arm
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm
'Ayin: Left arm
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm
'Ayin: Base
'Ayin: Serifs
Pe: Upper horizontal bar
Pe: Right-hand downstroke
Pe: Base
Pe: Nose
Pe: Serifs
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar
Pe: final: Descender
Pe: final: Nose
Pe: final: Serifs
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke
Ṣade: Roof on the stem
Ṣade: Base
Ṣade: Right arm
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm
Ṣade: Serifs
Ṣade: final: Descender
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender
Ṣade: final: Right arm
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm
Ṣade: final: Serifs
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe
Qoph: Lobe
Qoph: Descender
Qoph: Roof on the descender
Qoph: Serifs
Resh: Upper horizontal bar
Resh: Right-hand downstroke
Resh: Serifs
Shin/Sin: Right arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm
Shin/Sin: Left arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke
Shin/Sin: Serifs
Tav: Upper horizontal bar
Tav: Right-hand downstroke
Tav: Left-hand downstroke
Tav: Foot
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke
Tav: Serifs
Letter Feature
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - traced with one stroke
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - reaches the headline
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - does not reach the headline
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - reaches the baseline
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - does not reach the baseline
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - extended at the top with an addition
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - straight
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - rounded
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - wavy
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - broken
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - curved at the foot
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - with thickening at the end
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - with tapering at the end
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - with bifurcation
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - with a serif at the top
Aleph: Main oblique stroke - with a serif at the bottom
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - joins the main oblique stroke
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - is detached from the main oblique stroke
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - joins the main stroke at the headline
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - joins the main stroke towards the middle
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - joins the chevron
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - is detached from the chevron
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - left-hand downstroke is the main component
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - descends from the headline
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - descends from below the headline
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - extended at the top with an addition
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - slanted
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - straight
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - rounded
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - wavy
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - curved with a knee
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - with a serif
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - with a foot
Aleph: Left-hand downstroke - no foot
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - DELETE no foot
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the left-hand downstroke
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the left-hand downstroke
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - detached from the left-hand downstroke
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - placed centrally
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - turns to the right
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - turns to the left
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - turns upwards
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - turns downwards
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - parallel to the baseline
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - slanted
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - straight
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - SPLIT rounded
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - convex (rounded) ⋂
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - concave (rounded) ⋃
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - diamond-shaped
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - with a spur
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Aleph: Foot on the left-hand downstroke - with a serif
Aleph: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF short stroke parallel to the main oblique stroke
Aleph: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF short stroke slanted in respect of the main stem
Aleph: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF short arm attached to the oblique stroke
Aleph: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF parallel to the main stroke
Aleph: Right arm - no arm
Aleph: Right arm - joins the main oblique stroke
Aleph: Right arm - detached from the main stroke
Aleph: Right arm - joins/approaches the main stroke in the middle
Aleph: Right arm - joins/approaches the main stroke in its upper part
Aleph: Right arm - joins/approaches the main stroke in its lower part
Aleph: Right arm - joins/approaches the main stroke at the top
Aleph: Right arm - joins/approaches the main stroke at the bottom
Aleph: Right arm - slanted
Aleph: Right arm - straight
Aleph: Right arm - rounded
Aleph: Right arm - wavy
Aleph: Right arm - wedge-shaped
Aleph: Right arm - hairline
Aleph: Right arm - chevron attached to the left-hand downstroke
Aleph: Right arm - chevron detached from the left-hand downstroke
Aleph: Right arm - branches of the chevron are attached to the main stroke in the middle
Aleph: Right arm - branches of the chevron are attached to the main stroke in its upper part
Aleph: Right arm - branches of the chevron are attached to the main stroke in its lower part
Aleph: Right arm - branches of the chevron are attached to the main stroke at the top
Aleph: Right arm - upper branch of the chevron is written above the headline
Aleph: Right arm - branches of the chevron are included within the line of writing
Aleph: Right arm - lower branch of the chevron is equal to the upper branch of the chevron
Aleph: Right arm - lower branch of the chevron is shorter than the upper branch of the chevron
Aleph: Right arm - lower branch of the chevron is longer than the upper branch of the chevron
Aleph: Right arm - lower branch of the chevron is curved to the left
Aleph: Right arm - lower branch of the chevron is arched
Aleph: Right arm - with bifurcation
Aleph: Right arm - with a serif
Aleph: Right arm - with a roof
Aleph: Right arm - no roof
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - DELETE no roof
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - detached from the main oblique stroke (no arm)
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - traced with the same movement as the right arm
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - traced as a separate movement from the right arm
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - placed centrally
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - placed to the right
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - placed to the left
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - rounded juncture with the right arm
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - angular juncture with the right arm
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - cross-shaped juncture with the right arm
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - juncture with the right arm has a butt
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the headline
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the main stroke
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - slanted
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - straight
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - rounded
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - hook-shaped
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - diamond-shaped
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the right
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the left
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on both ends
Aleph: Roof on the right arm - with a serif
Aleph: Serifs - additional stroke
Aleph: Serifs - approach stroke
Aleph: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Aleph: Serifs - hairline
Aleph: Serifs - pointing downwards
Aleph: Serifs - pointing upwards
Aleph: Serifs - short line
Aleph: Serifs - triangle
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the base
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - not parallel to the base
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - equal to the base
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - shorter than the base
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - longer than the base
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Beth: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - slanted
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - broken
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Beth: Right-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Beth: Base - parallel to the baseline
Beth: Base - slanted
Beth: Base - parallel to the upper bar
Beth: Base - not parallel to the upper bar
Beth: Base - equal to the upper bar
Beth: Base - shorter than the upper bar
Beth: Base - longer than the upper bar
Beth: Base - angular juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Beth: Base - goes beyond the juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Beth: Base - joins the right-hand downstroke with a butt
Beth: Base - descends below the baseline
Beth: Base - straight
Beth: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
Beth: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
Beth: Base - turns downwards on the left
Beth: Base - turns upwards on the left
Beth: Base - with thickening at the end
Beth: Base - with tapering at the end
Beth: Base - with a spur
Beth: Base - with bifurcation
Beth: Base - with a serif
Beth: Serifs - additional stroke
Beth: Serifs - approach stroke
Beth: Serifs - short line
Beth: Serifs - triangle
Beth: Serifs - hairline
Beth: Serifs - pointing upwards
Beth: Serifs - pointing downwards
Beth: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - reaches the baseline
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - descends below the baseline
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - slanted to the right /
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - slanted to the left \
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - straight
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - rounded
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - wavy
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening at the end
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with tapering at the end
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with a tail turning upwards to the right
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with bifurcation
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with a serif
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - with a head
Gimel: Main stem/downstroke - no head
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - joins the stem in the middle
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - joins the stem in its upper part
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - joins the stem in its lower part
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - joins the stem at the baseline
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - joins the stem below the baseline
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - detached from the stem
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - reaches the baseline
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - does not reach the baseline
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - descends below the baseline
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - parallel to the baseline
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - slanted
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - straight
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - rounded
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - wavy
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - with a drop
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - with thickening
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - with tapering
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - with a spur
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - with bifurcation
Gimel: Left-hand stroke - with a serif
Gimel: Head - DELETE with bifurcation
Gimel: Head - traced with the same movement as the stem
Gimel: Head - traced as a separate movement from the stem
Gimel: Head - placed centrally
Gimel: Head - placed to the right
Gimel: Head - placed to the left
Gimel: Head - rounded juncture with the stem
Gimel: Head - angular juncture with the stem
Gimel: Head - cross-shaped juncture with the stem
Gimel: Head - juncture with the stem has a butt
Gimel: Head - parallel to the headline
Gimel: Head - slanted
Gimel: Head - as long as a dot (= width of the nib)
Gimel: Head - longer than the width of the nib
Gimel: Head - straight
Gimel: Head - diamond-shaped
Gimel: Head - convex (rounded) ⋂
Gimel: Head - concave (rounded) ⋃
Gimel: Head - hook-shaped
Gimel: Head - large dot
Gimel: Head - with bifurcation on the left
Gimel: Head - with bifurcation on the right
Gimel: Head - with a serif
Gimel: Head - with tagin
Gimel: Serifs - additional stroke
Gimel: Serifs - approach stroke
Gimel: Serifs - short line
Gimel: Serifs - triangle
Gimel: Serifs - hairline
Gimel: Serifs - pointing upwards
Gimel: Serifs - pointing downwards
Gimel: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - goes beyond the juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - ascends above the headline
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - with thickening at the end
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - with tapering at the end
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Daleth: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - slanted
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - wedge-shaped
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - with a tail turning upwards to the right
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Daleth: Right-hand downstroke - with a serif
Daleth: Serifs - additional stroke
Daleth: Serifs - approach stroke
Daleth: Serifs - short line
Daleth: Serifs - triangle
Daleth: Serifs - hairline
Daleth: Serifs - pointing upwards
Daleth: Serifs - pointing downwards
Daleth: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Daleth: Serifs - left-hand serif parallel to the crossing of the upper bar and the right-hand downstroke
He: Upper horizontal bar - extends beyond the juncture with the right-hand downstroke
He: Upper horizontal bar - forms a lobe
He: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
He: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
He: Upper horizontal bar - straight
He: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
He: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
He: Upper horizontal bar - with thickening at the end
He: Upper horizontal bar - with tapering at the end
He: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
He: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
He: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
He: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
He: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
He: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
He: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
He: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
He: Right-hand downstroke - forms a lobe
He: Right-hand downstroke - forms a loop
He: Right-hand downstroke - equal to the left-hand downstroke
He: Right-hand downstroke - shorter than the left-hand downstroke
He: Right-hand downstroke - longer than the left-hand downstroke
He: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
He: Right-hand downstroke - slanted
He: Right-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
He: Right-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
He: Right-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
He: Right-hand downstroke - straight
He: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
He: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
He: Right-hand downstroke - wedge-shaped
He: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
He: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
He: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
He: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
He: Right-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
He: Right-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
He: Right-hand downstroke - with a serif
He: Left-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
He: Left-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
He: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the upper bar
He: Left-hand downstroke - separate from the upper bar
He: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the lower end of the right-hand downstroke
He: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the lower end of the right-hand downstroke with a loop
He: Left-hand downstroke - equal to the right-hand downstroke
He: Left-hand downstroke - shorter than the right-hand downstroke
He: Left-hand downstroke - longer than the right-hand downstroke
He: Left-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
He: Left-hand downstroke - slanted
He: Left-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
He: Left-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
He: Left-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
He: Left-hand downstroke - straight
He: Left-hand downstroke - rounded
He: Left-hand downstroke - wavy
He: Left-hand downstroke - wedge-shaped
He: Left-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
He: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
He: Left-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
He: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
He: Left-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
He: Left-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
He: Left-hand downstroke - with a serif
He: Serifs - additional stroke
He: Serifs - approach stroke
He: Serifs - short line
He: Serifs - triangle
He: Serifs - hairline
He: Serifs - pointing upwards
He: Serifs - pointing downwards
He: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - slanted
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - reaches the baseline
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - descends below the baseline
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - straight
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - rounded
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - wavy
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - wedge-shaped
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening at the end
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - with tapering at the end
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - with bifurcation at the end
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - with a serif
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - with a head
Vav: Main stem/downstroke - no head
Vav: Head - traced with the same movement as the stem
Vav: Head - traced as a separate movement from the stem
Vav: Head - placed centrally
Vav: Head - placed to the right
Vav: Head - placed to the left
Vav: Head - rounded juncture with the stem
Vav: Head - angular juncture with the stem
Vav: Head - cross-shaped juncture with the stem
Vav: Head - juncture with the stem has a butt
Vav: Head - parallel to the headline
Vav: Head - slanted
Vav: Head - straight
Vav: Head - diamond-shaped
Vav: Head - convex (rounded) ⋂
Vav: Head - concave (rounded) ⋃
Vav: Head - hook-shaped
Vav: Head - large dot
Vav: Head - with bifurcation on the left
Vav: Head - with bifurcation on the right
Vav: Head - with a serif
Vav: Serifs - additional stroke
Vav: Serifs - approach stroke
Vav: Serifs - short line
Vav: Serifs - triangle
Vav: Serifs - hairline
Vav: Serifs - pointing upwards
Vav: Serifs - pointing downwards
Vav: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the head
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - descends below the baseline
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - reaches the baseline
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - straight
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - slanted
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - rounded
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - wavy
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - wedge-shaped
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening at the end
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with tapering at the end
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with bifurcation at the end
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with a tail to the right
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with a head
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - no head
Zayin: Main stem/downstroke - with a serif
Zayin: Head - DELETE with bifurcation
Zayin: Head - traced with the same movement as the stem
Zayin: Head - traced as a separate movement from the stem
Zayin: Head - placed centrally
Zayin: Head - placed to the right
Zayin: Head - placed to the left
Zayin: Head - rounded juncture with the stem
Zayin: Head - angular juncture with the stem
Zayin: Head - cross-shaped juncture with the stem
Zayin: Head - juncture with the stem has a butt
Zayin: Head - parallel to the headline
Zayin: Head - slanted
Zayin: Head - pointing upwards
Zayin: Head - straight
Zayin: Head - diamond-shaped
Zayin: Head - convex (rounded) ⋂
Zayin: Head - concave (rounded) ⋃
Zayin: Head - hook-shaped
Zayin: Head - large dot
Zayin: Head - with bifurcation on the left
Zayin: Head - with bifurcation on the right
Zayin: Head - with a serif
Zayin: Head - with tagin
Zayin: Serifs - additional stroke
Zayin: Serifs - approach stroke
Zayin: Serifs - short line
Zayin: Serifs - triangle
Zayin: Serifs - hairline
Zayin: Serifs - pointing upwards
Zayin: Serifs - pointing downwards
Zayin: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - extends beyond the juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - divided
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - with thickening at the end
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - with tapering at the end
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Ḥeth: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - slanted
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - equal to the left-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - shorter than the left-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - longer than the left-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - wedge-shaped
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Ḥeth: Right-hand downstroke - with a serif
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the upper bar below it
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the upper bar on the left
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - ascends above the upper bar
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - slanted
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - equal to the right-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - shorter than the right-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - longer than the right-hand downstroke
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - straight
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - rounded
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - wavy
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - wedge-shaped
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Ḥeth: Left-hand downstroke - with a serif
Ḥeth: Serifs - additional stroke
Ḥeth: Serifs - approach stroke
Ḥeth: Serifs - short line
Ḥeth: Serifs - triangle
Ḥeth: Serifs - hairline
Ḥeth: Serifs - pointing upwards
Ḥeth: Serifs - pointing downwards
Ḥeth: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Ṭeth: Right arm - traced with the same movement as the left arm
Ṭeth: Right arm - traced as a separate movement from the left arm
Ṭeth: Right arm - joins the left arm sharply at the baseline
Ṭeth: Right arm - u-shaped and attached to the left arm near the headline
Ṭeth: Right arm - forms a base parallel to the baseline
Ṭeth: Right arm - forms a base slanted in respect of the baseline
Ṭeth: Right arm - forms a concave base ⋃
Ṭeth: Right arm - slanted
Ṭeth: Right arm - equal to the left arm
Ṭeth: Right arm - shorter than the left arm
Ṭeth: Right arm - longer than the left arm
Ṭeth: Right arm - straight
Ṭeth: Right arm - rounded
Ṭeth: Right arm - wavy
Ṭeth: Right arm - hairline
Ṭeth: Right arm - with a drop in the middle
Ṭeth: Right arm - with thickening in the middle
Ṭeth: Right arm - with thinning in the middle
Ṭeth: Right arm - with thickening at the end
Ṭeth: Right arm - with tapering at the end
Ṭeth: Right arm - with bifurcation
Ṭeth: Right arm - with a serif
Ṭeth: Right arm - with a roof
Ṭeth: Right arm - no roof
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - traced with the same movement as the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - traced as a separate movement from the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - placed centrally
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - placed to the right
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - placed to the left
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - rounded juncture with the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - angular juncture with the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - juncture with the arm has a butt
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the headline
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - slanted
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - straight
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - convex (rounded) ⋂
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - diamond-shaped
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the right
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the left
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - with a serif
Ṭeth: Roof on the right arm - with tagin
Ṭeth: Left arm - traced with the same movement as the right arm
Ṭeth: Left arm - traced as a separate movement from the right arm
Ṭeth: Left arm - goes below the juncture with the right arm forming a tail
Ṭeth: Left arm - ascends above the headline
Ṭeth: Left arm - perpendicular to the baseline
Ṭeth: Left arm - slanted
Ṭeth: Left arm - equal to the right arm
Ṭeth: Left arm - shorter than the right arm
Ṭeth: Left arm - longer than the right arm
Ṭeth: Left arm - straight
Ṭeth: Left arm - rounded
Ṭeth: Left arm - wavy
Ṭeth: Left arm - wedge-shaped
Ṭeth: Left arm - with a drop in the middle
Ṭeth: Left arm - with thickening in the middle
Ṭeth: Left arm - with thinning in the middle
Ṭeth: Left arm - with thickening at the end
Ṭeth: Left arm - with tapering at the end
Ṭeth: Left arm - with bifurcation
Ṭeth: Left arm - with a serif
Ṭeth: Left arm - with a roof
Ṭeth: Left arm - no roof
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - traced with the same movement as the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - traced as a separate movement from the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - placed centrally
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - placed to the right
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - placed to the left
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - rounded juncture with the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - angular juncture with the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - juncture with the arm has a butt
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - parallel to the headline
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - slanted
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - straight
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - SPLIT rounded
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - convex (rounded) ⋂
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - diamond-shaped
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on the right
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on the left
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - with a serif
Ṭeth: Roof on the left arm - with tagin
Ṭeth: Serifs - additional stroke
Ṭeth: Serifs - approach stroke
Ṭeth: Serifs - short line
Ṭeth: Serifs - triangle
Ṭeth: Serifs - hairline
Ṭeth: Serifs - pointing upwards
Ṭeth: Serifs - pointing downwards
Yod: Main stroke - perpendicular to the headline
Yod: Main stroke - slanted
Yod: Main stroke - longer than the middle of the line of writing
Yod: Main stroke - straight
Yod: Main stroke - diamond-shaped
Yod: Main stroke - rounded
Yod: Main stroke - wavy
Yod: Main stroke - with tapering at the end
Yod: Main stroke - with bifurcation
Yod: Main stroke - with a serif
Yod: Main stroke - with a head
Yod: Main stroke - no head
Yod: Head - traced with the same movement as the main stroke
Yod: Head - traced as a separate movement from the main stroke
Yod: Head - placed centrally
Yod: Head - placed to the right
Yod: Head - placed to the left
Yod: Head - crosses the main stroke
Yod: Head - parallel to the headline
Yod: Head - slanted
Yod: Head - straight
Yod: Head - diamond-shaped
Yod: Head - rounded
Yod: Head - hook-shaped
Yod: Head - with bifurcation
Yod: Head - with a serif
Yod: Serifs - additional stroke
Yod: Serifs - approach stroke
Yod: Serifs - short line
Yod: Serifs - triangle
Yod: Serifs - hairline
Yod: Serifs - pointing upwards
Yod: Serifs - pointing downwards
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the base
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - not parallel to the base
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - equal to the base
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - shorter than the base
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - longer than the base
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - with thickening at the end
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - with tapering at the end
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Kaph: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - slanted
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Kaph: Right-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Kaph: Base - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
Kaph: Base - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
Kaph: Base - rounded juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Kaph: Base - angular juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Kaph: Base - goes beyond the juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Kaph: Base - joins the right-hand downstroke with a butt
Kaph: Base - parallel to the baseline
Kaph: Base - slanted
Kaph: Base - parallel to the upper bar
Kaph: Base - not parallel to the upper bar
Kaph: Base - equal to the upper bar
Kaph: Base - shorter than the upper bar
Kaph: Base - longer than the upper bar
Kaph: Base - straight
Kaph: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
Kaph: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
Kaph: Base - turns downwards on the left
Kaph: Base - turns upwards on the left
Kaph: Base - with thickening at the end
Kaph: Base - with tapering at the end
Kaph: Base - with a spur
Kaph: Base - with bifurcation
Kaph: Base - with a serif
Kaph: Serifs - additional stroke
Kaph: Serifs - approach stroke
Kaph: Serifs - short line
Kaph: Serifs - triangle
Kaph: Serifs - hairline
Kaph: Serifs - pointing upwards
Kaph: Serifs - pointing downwards
Kaph: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - with thickening at the end
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - with tapering at the end
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Kaph: final: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Kaph: final: Descender - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Kaph: final: Descender - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Kaph: final: Descender - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Kaph: final: Descender - angular juncture with the upper bar
Kaph: final: Descender - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Kaph: final: Descender - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Kaph: final: Descender - equal to the height of the line of writing
Kaph: final: Descender - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Kaph: final: Descender - longer than the height of the line of writing
Kaph: final: Descender - perpendicular to the baseline
Kaph: final: Descender - slanted
Kaph: final: Descender - straight
Kaph: final: Descender - rounded
Kaph: final: Descender - wavy
Kaph: final: Descender - wedge-shaped
Kaph: final: Descender - with a drop in the middle
Kaph: final: Descender - with thickening in the middle
Kaph: final: Descender - with thinning in the middle
Kaph: final: Descender - with thickening at the end
Kaph: final: Descender - with tapering at the end
Kaph: final: Descender - turns upwards at the end to the left
Kaph: final: Descender - turns upwards at the end to the right
Kaph: final: Descender - with bifurcation
Kaph: final: Descender - with a serif
Kaph: final: Serifs - additional stroke
Kaph: final: Serifs - approach stroke
Kaph: final: Serifs - short line
Kaph: final: Serifs - triangle
Kaph: final: Serifs - hairline
Kaph: final: Serifs - pointing upwards
Kaph: final: Serifs - pointing downwards
Kaph: final: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Lamed: Ascender/mast - perpendicular to the headline
Lamed: Ascender/mast - slanted to the left \
Lamed: Ascender/mast - slanted to the right /
Lamed: Ascender/mast - slanted in the direction opposite to that of the downstroke
Lamed: Ascender/mast - equal to the height of the line of writing
Lamed: Ascender/mast - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Lamed: Ascender/mast - longer than the height of the line of writing
Lamed: Ascender/mast - straight
Lamed: Ascender/mast - rounded
Lamed: Ascender/mast - wavy
Lamed: Ascender/mast - with a drop in the middle
Lamed: Ascender/mast - with thickening
Lamed: Ascender/mast - with thinning
Lamed: Ascender/mast - with bifurcation
Lamed: Ascender/mast - with a serif
Lamed: Ascender/mast - with a flag
Lamed: Ascender/mast - no flag
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - traced with the same movement as the ascender/mast
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - traced as a separate movement from the ascender/mast
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - attached to the extremity of the mast
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - attached below the extremity of the mast
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - placed centrally
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - placed to the right
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - placed to the left
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - parallel to the headline
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - slanted
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - as long as a dot (= width of the nib)
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - longer than the width of the nib
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - straight
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - diamond-shaped
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - convex (rounded) ⋂
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - concave (rounded) ⋃
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - wavy
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - hook-shaped
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - pointed
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - loop
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - hairline
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - with bifurcation on the right
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - with bifurcation on the left
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - with one serif pointing upwards
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - with two or more serifs pointing upwards
Lamed: Flag of the ascender/mast - with one serif pointing downwards
Lamed: Horizontal bar - there is a horizontal bar
Lamed: Horizontal bar - there is no horizontal bar
Lamed: Horizontal bar - traced with the same movement as the ascender
Lamed: Horizontal bar - traced as a separate movement from the ascender
Lamed: Horizontal bar - rounded juncture with the ascender
Lamed: Horizontal bar - angular juncture with the ascender
Lamed: Horizontal bar - cross-shaped juncture with the ascender
Lamed: Horizontal bar - juncture with the ascender has a butt
Lamed: Horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Lamed: Horizontal bar - slanted
Lamed: Horizontal bar - placed on the headline
Lamed: Horizontal bar - placed in the upper part of the line of writing
Lamed: Horizontal bar - placed in the middle of the line of writing
Lamed: Horizontal bar - placed in the lower part of the line of writing
Lamed: Horizontal bar - placed towards the baseline
Lamed: Horizontal bar - straight
Lamed: Horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Lamed: Horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Lamed: Horizontal bar - with an approach stroke on the left
Lamed: Downstroke - traced with the same movement as the horizontal bar
Lamed: Downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the horizontal bar
Lamed: Downstroke - attached to the horizontal bar
Lamed: Downstroke - rounded juncture with the horizontal bar
Lamed: Downstroke - angular juncture with the horizontal bar
Lamed: Downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the horizontal bar
Lamed: Downstroke - juncture with the horizontal bar has a butt
Lamed: Downstroke - attached to the ascender
Lamed: Downstroke - rounded juncture with the ascender
Lamed: Downstroke - angular juncture with the ascender
Lamed: Downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the ascender
Lamed: Downstroke - attached to the ascender at an angle
Lamed: Downstroke - traced vertically below the ascender
Lamed: Downstroke - reaches the baseline
Lamed: Downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Lamed: Downstroke - descends below the baseline
Lamed: Downstroke - forms a base
Lamed: Downstroke - forms a base parallel to the baseline
Lamed: Downstroke - slanted
Lamed: Downstroke - straight
Lamed: Downstroke - rounded
Lamed: Downstroke - wavy
Lamed: Downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Lamed: Downstroke - with thickening
Lamed: Downstroke - with thinning
Lamed: Downstroke - with bifurcation at the bottom
Lamed: Downstroke - with a serif
Lamed: Serifs - additional stroke
Lamed: Serifs - approach stroke
Lamed: Serifs - short line
Lamed: Serifs - triangle
Lamed: Serifs - hairline
Lamed: Serifs - pointing upwards
Lamed: Serifs - pointing downwards
Lamed: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - sharp triangular juncture with the left-hand stroke at the headline
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the left-hand stroke at the headline
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - slanted to the left
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - forms a lobe
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Mem: Right-hand downstroke - with a serif
Mem: Base - no base (open mem)
Mem: Base - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
Mem: Base - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
Mem: Base - rounded juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Mem: Base - angular juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Mem: Base - goes beyond the juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Mem: Base - joins the right-hand downstroke with a butt
Mem: Base - long: almost joins the left-hand stroke
Mem: Base - reaches the symmetrical middle of the letter
Mem: Base - shorter than the symmetrical middle of the letter
Mem: Base - parallel to the baseline
Mem: Base - slanted
Mem: Base - straight
Mem: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
Mem: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
Mem: Base - turns below the baseline at the left end
Mem: Base - with thickening at the end
Mem: Base - with tapering at the end
Mem: Base - with a spur
Mem: Base - with bifurcation
Mem: Base - with a serif
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the right-hand stroke
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the right-hand stroke sharply at the headline
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the right-hand stroke with a hairline
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - slanted
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - short: ends in the upper part of the line of writing
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - straight
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - rounded
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - wavy
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - with a drop
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - with thinning
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Mem: Left-hand downstroke - with a serif
Mem: Left arm - traced with the same movement as the left-hand downstroke
Mem: Left arm - traced as a separate movement from the left-hand downstroke
Mem: Left arm - joins the left-hand downstroke in its upper part
Mem: Left arm - joins the left-hand downstroke in the middle
Mem: Left arm - joins the left-hand downstroke in its lower part
Mem: Left arm - detached from the left-hand downstroke
Mem: Left arm - slanted
Mem: Left arm - ascends above the headline
Mem: Left arm - reaches the headline
Mem: Left arm - does not reach the headline
Mem: Left arm - straight
Mem: Left arm - rounded
Mem: Left arm - hairline
Mem: Left arm - with a drop
Mem: Left arm - with thickening
Mem: Left arm - with thinning
Mem: Left arm - with bifurcation
Mem: Left arm - with a serif
Mem: Left arm - with a roof
Mem: Left arm - no roof
Mem: Roof on the left arm - traced with the same movement as the left arm
Mem: Roof on the left arm - traced as a separate movement from the left arm
Mem: Roof on the left arm - rounded juncture with the left arm
Mem: Roof on the left arm - angular juncture with the left arm
Mem: Roof on the left arm - cross-shaped juncture with the left arm
Mem: Roof on the left arm - placed centrally
Mem: Roof on the left arm - placed to the right
Mem: Roof on the left arm - placed to the left
Mem: Roof on the left arm - parallel to the headline
Mem: Roof on the left arm - slanted
Mem: Roof on the left arm - straight
Mem: Roof on the left arm - rounded
Mem: Roof on the left arm - hook-shaped
Mem: Roof on the left arm - diamond-shaped
Mem: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on the right
Mem: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on the left
Mem: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on both ends
Mem: Roof on the left arm - with a serif
Mem: Serifs - additional stroke
Mem: Serifs - approach stroke
Mem: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Mem: Serifs - hairline
Mem: Serifs - pointing downwards
Mem: Serifs - pointing upwards
Mem: Serifs - short line
Mem: Serifs - triangle
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - no upper horizontal bar
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the base
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - equal to the base
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - shorter than the base
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - longer than the base
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - with thickening at the end
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - with tapering at the end
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Mem: final: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper horizontal bar
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper horizontal bar
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper horizontal bar
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper horizontal bar
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper horizontal bar
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper horizontal bar has a butt
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - CHECK rounded juncture with the left-hand stroke at the headline
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - sharp triangular juncture with the left-hand stroke at the headline
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - slanted to the left \
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - slanted to the right /
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning
Mem: final: Right-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Mem: final: Base - no base
Mem: final: Base - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - rounded juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - angular juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - cross-shaped juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - joins the right-hand downstroke with a butt
Mem: final: Base - joins the left-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - does not join the left-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - rounded juncture with the left-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - angular juncture with the left-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - cross-shaped juncture with the left-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - sharp/pointy juncture with the left-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Base - joins the left-hand downstroke with a butt
Mem: final: Base - juncture with the left-hand downstroke below the baseline
Mem: final: Base - parallel to the baseline
Mem: final: Base - slanted
Mem: final: Base - straight
Mem: final: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
Mem: final: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
Mem: final: Base - turns below the baseline at the left end
Mem: final: Base - with thickening at the end
Mem: final: Base - with tapering at the end
Mem: final: Base - with bifurcation
Mem: final: Base - with a serif
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - DELETE sharp triangular juncture with the right-hand stroke at the headline
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - DELETE rounded triangular juncture with the right-hand stroke at the headline
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the base
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the base
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - does not reach the upper bar
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the upper bar with a hairline
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - descends below the juncture with the base forming a tail
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - sharp juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - descends below the juncture with the right-hand downstroke forming a tail
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - slanted to the left \
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - slanted to the right /
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - straight
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - rounded
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - wavy
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - hairline
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - with a drop
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - with thinning
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - with a serif
Mem: final: Left-hand downstroke - forms a tail to the left of the circle
Mem: final: Serifs - additional stroke
Mem: final: Serifs - approach stroke
Mem: final: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Mem: final: Serifs - hairline
Mem: final: Serifs - pointing downwards
Mem: final: Serifs - pointing upwards
Mem: final: Serifs - short line
Mem: final: Serifs - triangle
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - equal to the height of the line of writing
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - longer than the height of the line of writing
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - reaches the baseline
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - descends below the baseline
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - slanted to the left \
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - slanted to the right /
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - straight
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - rounded
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - wavy
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - wedge-shaped
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - with a drop
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - with thinning
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - with bifurcation
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - with a serif
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - with a head
Nun: Main stem/downstroke - no head
Nun: Base - traced with the same movement as the stem
Nun: Base - traced as a separate movement from the stem
Nun: Base - equal to the head
Nun: Base - shorter than the head
Nun: Base - longer than the head
Nun: Base - rounded juncture with the stem
Nun: Base - angular juncture with the stem
Nun: Base - cross-shaped juncture with the stem
Nun: Base - juncture with the main stem has a butt
Nun: Base - parallel to the baseline
Nun: Base - slanted
Nun: Base - descends below the baseline
Nun: Base - straight
Nun: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
Nun: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
Nun: Base - turns downwards at the left end
Nun: Base - turns upwards at the left end
Nun: Base - with a spur
Nun: Base - with thickening at the end
Nun: Base - with tapering at the end
Nun: Base - with bifurcation
Nun: Base - with a serif
Nun: Head - MERGE WITH HOOK SHAPED rounded hook
Nun: Head - traced with the same movement as the stem
Nun: Head - traced as a separate movement from the stem
Nun: Head - placed centrally
Nun: Head - placed to the right
Nun: Head - placed to the left
Nun: Head - rounded juncture with the stem
Nun: Head - angular juncture with the stem
Nun: Head - cross-shaped juncture with the stem
Nun: Head - juncture with the stem has a butt
Nun: Head - parallel to the headline
Nun: Head - slanted
Nun: Head - parallel to the foot
Nun: Head - not parallel to the foot
Nun: Head - straight
Nun: Head - diamond-shaped
Nun: Head - convex (rounded) ⋂
Nun: Head - concave (rounded) ⋃
Nun: Head - hook-shaped
Nun: Head - dot
Nun: Head - with bifurcation on the left
Nun: Head - with bifurcation on the right
Nun: Head - with a serif
Nun: Head - with tagin
Nun: Serifs - additional stroke
Nun: Serifs - approach stroke
Nun: Serifs - short line
Nun: Serifs - triangle
Nun: Serifs - hairline
Nun: Serifs - pointing upwards
Nun: Serifs - pointing downwards
Nun: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Nun: final: Descender - equal to the height of the line of writing
Nun: final: Descender - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Nun: final: Descender - longer than the height of the line of writing
Nun: final: Descender - descends slightly below the baseline
Nun: final: Descender - perpendicular to the baseline
Nun: final: Descender - slanted to the left \
Nun: final: Descender - slanted to the right /
Nun: final: Descender - straight
Nun: final: Descender - rounded
Nun: final: Descender - wavy
Nun: final: Descender - wedge-shaped
Nun: final: Descender - lower end turns upwards on the left
Nun: final: Descender - lower end turns upwards on the right
Nun: final: Descender - with a drop in the middle
Nun: final: Descender - with thickening in the middle
Nun: final: Descender - with thinning in the middle
Nun: final: Descender - with thickening at the end
Nun: final: Descender - with tapering at the end
Nun: final: Descender - with bifurcation
Nun: final: Descender - with a serif
Nun: final: Descender - with a head
Nun: final: Descender - no head
Nun: final: Head - MERGE WITH HOOK SHAPED rounded hook
Nun: final: Head - traced with the same movement as the descender
Nun: final: Head - traced as a separate movement from the descender
Nun: final: Head - placed centrally
Nun: final: Head - placed to the right
Nun: final: Head - placed to the left
Nun: final: Head - rounded juncture with the descender
Nun: final: Head - angular juncture with the descender
Nun: final: Head - cross-shaped juncture with the descender
Nun: final: Head - juncture with the descender has a butt
Nun: final: Head - parallel to the headline
Nun: final: Head - slanted
Nun: final: Head - straight
Nun: final: Head - diamond shaped
Nun: final: Head - convex (rounded) ⋂
Nun: final: Head - concave (rounded) ⋃
Nun: final: Head - hook-shaped
Nun: final: Head - dot
Nun: final: Head - with bifurcation on the left
Nun: final: Head - with bifurcation on the right
Nun: final: Head - with a serif
Nun: final: Head - with tagin
Nun: final: Serifs - additional stroke
Nun: final: Serifs - approach stroke
Nun: final: Serifs - short line
Nun: final: Serifs - triangle
Nun: final: Serifs - hairline
Nun: final: Serifs - pointing upwards
Nun: final: Serifs - pointing downwards
Nun: final: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Samekh: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Samekh: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Samekh: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Samekh: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Samekh: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Samekh: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Samekh: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a closed circle
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - joins with the left-hand downstroke sharply at the baseline
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - goes beyond the juncture
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - forms a short base
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - slanted
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning
Samekh: Right-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Samekh: Base - there is a base
Samekh: Base - no base
Samekh: Base - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - rounded juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - angular juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - cross-shaped juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - joins the right-hand downstroke with a butt
Samekh: Base - joins the left-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - does not join the left-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - rounded juncture with the left-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - angular juncture with the left-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - cross-shaped juncture with the left-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - sharp/pointy juncture with the left-hand downstroke
Samekh: Base - joins the left-hand downstroke with a butt
Samekh: Base - parallel to the baseline
Samekh: Base - slanted
Samekh: Base - straight
Samekh: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
Samekh: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
Samekh: Base - with bifurcation
Samekh: Base - with a serif
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the base
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the base
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - does not reach the upper bar
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - approaches the upper bar at the left edge
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - approaches the upper bar at a distance from the left edge
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the upper bar with a hairline
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - joins the right-hand downstroke sharply at the baseline
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - joins the circle-shaped letter below the headline
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - forms a tail to the left of the circle
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - goes below the juncture with the base/right-hand downstroke
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - slanted
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - straight
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - rounded
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - wavy
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - with a drop
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - with thinning
Samekh: Left-hand downstroke - hairline
Samekh: Serifs - additional stroke
Samekh: Serifs - approach stroke
Samekh: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Samekh: Serifs - hairline
Samekh: Serifs - pointing downwards
Samekh: Serifs - pointing upwards
Samekh: Serifs - short line
Samekh: Serifs - triangle
'Ayin: Right arm - MERGE WITH 'JOINS' attached to the left-hand stroke
'Ayin: Right arm - DELETE attached to the base
'Ayin: Right arm - traced with the same movement as the base
'Ayin: Right arm - traced as a separate movement from the base
'Ayin: Right arm - joins the left arm sharply at the baseline
'Ayin: Right arm - joins the left arm above the baseline
'Ayin: Right arm - forms a base
'Ayin: Right arm - perpendicular to the baseline
'Ayin: Right arm - slanted
'Ayin: Right arm - equal to the left arm
'Ayin: Right arm - shorter than the left arm
'Ayin: Right arm - longer than the left arm
'Ayin: Right arm - straight
'Ayin: Right arm - rounded
'Ayin: Right arm - wavy
'Ayin: Right arm - with a drop in the middle
'Ayin: Right arm - with thickening in the middle
'Ayin: Right arm - with thinning in the middle
'Ayin: Right arm - with thickening at the end
'Ayin: Right arm - with tapering at the end
'Ayin: Right arm - with bifurcation
'Ayin: Right arm - with a serif
'Ayin: Right arm - with a roof
'Ayin: Right arm - no roof
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - DELETE with a serif pointing upwards
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - DELETE with a serif pointing downwards
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - traced with the same movement as the right arm
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - traced as a separate movement from the right arm
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - placed centrally
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - placed to the right
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - placed to the left
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - rounded juncture with the arm
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - angular juncture with the arm
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - juncture with the arm has a butt
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the headline
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - slanted
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - straight
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - convex (rounded) ⋂
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - diamond-shaped
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the right
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the left
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - with a serif
'Ayin: Roof on the right arm - with tagin
'Ayin: Left arm - traced with the same movement as the base
'Ayin: Left arm - traced as a separate movement from the base
'Ayin: Left arm - attached to the right arm at the baseline
'Ayin: Left arm - attached to the right arm in its lower part
'Ayin: Left arm - attached to the right arm in its upper part
'Ayin: Left arm - attached to the base
'Ayin: Left arm - disconnected
'Ayin: Left arm - perpendicular to the baseline
'Ayin: Left arm - slanted
'Ayin: Left arm - equal to the right arm
'Ayin: Left arm - shorter than the right arm
'Ayin: Left arm - longer than the right arm
'Ayin: Left arm - straight
'Ayin: Left arm - rounded
'Ayin: Left arm - wedge-shaped
'Ayin: Left arm - wavy
'Ayin: Left arm - with a drop in the middle
'Ayin: Left arm - with thickening in the middle
'Ayin: Left arm - with thinning in the middle
'Ayin: Left arm - with thickening at the end
'Ayin: Left arm - with tapering at the end
'Ayin: Left arm - with bifurcation
'Ayin: Left arm - with a serif
'Ayin: Left arm - with a roof
'Ayin: Left arm - no roof
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - DELETE with a serif pointing upwards
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - DELETE with a serif pointing downwards
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - traced with the same movement as the left arm
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - traced as a separate movement from the left arm
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - placed centrally
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - placed to the right
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - placed to the left
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - rounded juncture with the arm
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - angular juncture with the arm
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - juncture with the arm has a butt
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - parallel to the headline
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - slanted
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - straight
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - convex (rounded) ⋂
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - diamond-shaped
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on the right
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on the left
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - with a serif
'Ayin: Roof on the left arm - with tagin
'Ayin: Base - traced with the same movement as the right arm
'Ayin: Base - traced with the same movement as the left arm
'Ayin: Base - traced as a separate movement from the arms
'Ayin: Base - rounded juncture with the right arm
'Ayin: Base - angular juncture with the right arm
'Ayin: Base - cross-shaped juncture with the right arm
'Ayin: Base - juncture with the right arm has a butt
'Ayin: Base - descends below the baseline
'Ayin: Base - parallel to the baseline
'Ayin: Base - slanted
'Ayin: Base - longer on the left than the upper end of the left arm
'Ayin: Base - short: ends level with the upper end of the left arm
'Ayin: Base - straight
'Ayin: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
'Ayin: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
'Ayin: Base - turns downwards on the left
'Ayin: Base - turns upwards on the left
'Ayin: Base - with thickening at the end
'Ayin: Base - with tapering at the end
'Ayin: Base - with a spur
'Ayin: Base - with bifurcation
'Ayin: Base - with a serif
'Ayin: Serifs - additional stroke
'Ayin: Serifs - approach stroke
'Ayin: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
'Ayin: Serifs - hairline
'Ayin: Serifs - pointing downwards
'Ayin: Serifs - pointing upwards
'Ayin: Serifs - short line
'Ayin: Serifs - triangle
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - formed by a juncture between the right-hand downstroke and the nose
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - with a spike at the juncture between the right-hand downstroke and the nose
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - with a drop at the juncture between the right-hand downstroke and the nose
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the base
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - not parallel to the base
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - equal to the base
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - shorter than the base
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - longer than the base
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - triangular
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Pe: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a circle
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - slanted
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Pe: Right-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Pe: Base - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
Pe: Base - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
Pe: Base - rounded juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Pe: Base - angular juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Pe: Base - goes beyond the juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Pe: Base - juncture with the right-hand downstroke has a butt
Pe: Base - parallel to the baseline
Pe: Base - slanted
Pe: Base - parallel to the upper bar
Pe: Base - not parallel to the upper bar
Pe: Base - equal to the upper bar
Pe: Base - shorter than the upper bar
Pe: Base - longer than the upper bar
Pe: Base - descends below the baseline
Pe: Base - straight
Pe: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
Pe: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
Pe: Base - turns downwards on the left
Pe: Base - turns upwards on the left
Pe: Base - with thickening at the end
Pe: Base - with tapering at the end
Pe: Base - with a spur
Pe: Base - with bifurcation
Pe: Base - with a serif
Pe: Nose - traced as a part of the upper bar
Pe: Nose - traced as a separate stroke
Pe: Nose - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Pe: Nose - angular juncture with the upper bar
Pe: Nose - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Pe: Nose - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Pe: Nose - attached to the extremity of the upper bar
Pe: Nose - attached at a distance from the left end of the upper bar
Pe: Nose - attached to the upper bar with a hairline
Pe: Nose - does not join the upper bar
Pe: Nose - 'grows' from the base
Pe: Nose - closes the upper bar and the base
Pe: Nose - perpendicular to the upper bar
Pe: Nose - slanted
Pe: Nose - equal to the height of the line of writing
Pe: Nose - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Pe: Nose - ascends above the headline
Pe: Nose - straight
Pe: Nose - rounded
Pe: Nose - wavy
Pe: Nose - diamond-shaped
Pe: Nose - broken
Pe: Nose - turns right
Pe: Nose - turns left
Pe: Nose - with thickening at the end
Pe: Nose - with tapering at the end
Pe: Nose - with a spur
Pe: Nose - with bifurcation
Pe: Nose - with a serif
Pe: Serifs - additional stroke
Pe: Serifs - approach stroke
Pe: Serifs - short line
Pe: Serifs - triangle
Pe: Serifs - hairline
Pe: Serifs - pointing upwards
Pe: Serifs - pointing downwards
Pe: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - traced with the same movement as the descender
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - traced as a separate movement from the descender
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - formed by a juncture between descender and the nose
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - with a spike at the juncture between descender and the nose
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - with a drop at the juncture between the descender and the nose
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - triangular
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Pe: final: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Pe: final: Descender - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Pe: final: Descender - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Pe: final: Descender - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Pe: final: Descender - angular juncture with the upper bar
Pe: final: Descender - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Pe: final: Descender - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Pe: final: Descender - equal to the height of the line of writing
Pe: final: Descender - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Pe: final: Descender - longer than the height of the line of writing
Pe: final: Descender - perpendicular to the baseline
Pe: final: Descender - slanted
Pe: final: Descender - straight
Pe: final: Descender - rounded
Pe: final: Descender - wavy
Pe: final: Descender - wedge-shaped
Pe: final: Descender - turns upwards at the end to the left
Pe: final: Descender - turns upwards at the end to the right
Pe: final: Descender - with a drop in the middle
Pe: final: Descender - with thickening in the middle
Pe: final: Descender - with thinning in the middle
Pe: final: Descender - with thickening at the end
Pe: final: Descender - with tapering at the end
Pe: final: Descender - with bifurcation
Pe: final: Descender - with a serif
Pe: final: Nose - traced as a part of the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - traced as a separate stroke
Pe: final: Nose - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - angular juncture with the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Pe: final: Nose - attached to the extremity of the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - attached at a distance from the left end of the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - MERGE detached from the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - does not join the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - loop connected to bottom of descender
Pe: final: Nose - perpendicular to the upper bar
Pe: final: Nose - slanted
Pe: final: Nose - ascends above the headline
Pe: final: Nose - equal to the height of the line of writing
Pe: final: Nose - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Pe: final: Nose - longer than the height of the line of writing
Pe: final: Nose - straight
Pe: final: Nose - rounded
Pe: final: Nose - wavy
Pe: final: Nose - diamond-shaped
Pe: final: Nose - broken
Pe: final: Nose - turns right
Pe: final: Nose - turns left
Pe: final: Nose - with thickening at the end
Pe: final: Nose - with tapering at the end
Pe: final: Nose - with a spur
Pe: final: Nose - with bifurcation
Pe: final: Nose - with a serif
Pe: final: Serifs - additional stroke
Pe: final: Serifs - approach stroke
Pe: final: Serifs - short line
Pe: final: Serifs - triangle
Pe: final: Serifs - hairline
Pe: final: Serifs - pointing upwards
Pe: final: Serifs - pointing downwards
Pe: final: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - slanted to the right /
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - slanted to the left \
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - ascends above the headline
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - straight
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - rounded
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - wavy
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - wedge-shaped
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - with thickening at the end
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - with tapering at the end
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - with bifurcation
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - with a serif
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - with a roof
Ṣade: Main stem/downstroke - no roof
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - SPLIT rounded
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - traced with the same movement as the stem
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - traced as a separate movement from the stem
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - placed centrally
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - placed to the right
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - placed to the left
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - rounded juncture with the stem
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - angular juncture with the stem
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - cross-shaped juncture with the stem
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - juncture with the stem has a butt
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - parallel to the headline
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - slanted
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - straight
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - convex (rounded) ⋂
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - diamond-shaped
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - with bifurcation on the right
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - with bifurcation on the left
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - with a serif
Ṣade: Roof on the stem - with tagin
Ṣade: Base - traced with the same movement as the stem
Ṣade: Base - traced as a separate movement from the stem
Ṣade: Base - equal to the roof of the stem
Ṣade: Base - shorter than the roof of the stem
Ṣade: Base - longer than the roof of the stem
Ṣade: Base - rounded juncture with the stem
Ṣade: Base - angular juncture with the stem
Ṣade: Base - cross-shaped juncture with the stem
Ṣade: Base - juncture with the stem has a butt
Ṣade: Base - parallel to the baseline
Ṣade: Base - slanted
Ṣade: Base - descends below the baseline
Ṣade: Base - straight
Ṣade: Base - convex (rounded) ⋂
Ṣade: Base - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṣade: Base - with thickening at the end
Ṣade: Base - with tapering at the end
Ṣade: Base - turns downwards at the left end
Ṣade: Base - turns upwards at the left end
Ṣade: Base - with a spur
Ṣade: Base - with bifurcation
Ṣade: Base - with a serif
Ṣade: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF short stroke parallel to the stem
Ṣade: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF short stroke parallel to the headline
Ṣade: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF short stroke slanted in respect of the stem
Ṣade: Right arm - no arm
Ṣade: Right arm - joins the stem
Ṣade: Right arm - detached from the stem
Ṣade: Right arm - joins/approaches the stem in the middle
Ṣade: Right arm - joins/approaches the stem in its upper part
Ṣade: Right arm - joins/approaches the stem in its lower part
Ṣade: Right arm - joins/approaches the top of the stem
Ṣade: Right arm - juncture with the stem forms a loop
Ṣade: Right arm - slanted
Ṣade: Right arm - straight
Ṣade: Right arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṣade: Right arm - rounded
Ṣade: Right arm - wavy
Ṣade: Right arm - wedge-shaped
Ṣade: Right arm - hairline
Ṣade: Right arm - with bifurcation
Ṣade: Right arm - with a serif
Ṣade: Right arm - with a roof
Ṣade: Right arm - no roof
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - SPLIT rounded
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - detached from the stem (no arm)
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - traced with the same movement as the arm
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - traced as a separate movement from the arm
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - placed centrally
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - placed to the right
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - placed to the left
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - rounded juncture with the arm
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - angular juncture with the arm
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - juncture with the arm has a butt
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the main stroke
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the headline
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - slanted
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - straight
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - convex (rounded) ⋂
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - diamond-shaped
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the right
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the left
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - with a serif
Ṣade: Roof on the right arm - with tagin
Ṣade: Serifs - additional stroke
Ṣade: Serifs - approach stroke
Ṣade: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Ṣade: Serifs - hairline
Ṣade: Serifs - pointing downwards
Ṣade: Serifs - pointing upwards
Ṣade: Serifs - short line
Ṣade: Serifs - triangle
Ṣade: final: Descender - equal to the height of the line of writing
Ṣade: final: Descender - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Ṣade: final: Descender - longer than the height of the line of writing
Ṣade: final: Descender - descends slightly below the baseline
Ṣade: final: Descender - perpendicular to the baseline
Ṣade: final: Descender - ascends above the headline
Ṣade: final: Descender - slanted to the left \
Ṣade: final: Descender - slanted to the right /
Ṣade: final: Descender - straight
Ṣade: final: Descender - rounded
Ṣade: final: Descender - wavy
Ṣade: final: Descender - wedge-shaped
Ṣade: final: Descender - lower end turns upwards on the left
Ṣade: final: Descender - lower end turns upwards on the right
Ṣade: final: Descender - with a drop in the middle
Ṣade: final: Descender - with thickening in the middle
Ṣade: final: Descender - with thinning in the middle
Ṣade: final: Descender - with thickening at the end
Ṣade: final: Descender - with tapering at the end
Ṣade: final: Descender - with bifurcation
Ṣade: final: Descender - with a serif
Ṣade: final: Descender - with a roof
Ṣade: final: Descender - no roof
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - SPLIT rounded
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - traced with the same movement as the descender
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - traced as a separate movement from the descender
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - placed centrally
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - placed to the right
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - placed to the left
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - rounded juncture with the descender
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - angular juncture with the descender
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - cross-shaped juncture with the descender
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - juncture with the descender has a butt
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - parallel to the headline
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - slanted
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - straight
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - convex (rounded) ⋂
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - diamond-shaped
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - with bifurcation on the right
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - with bifurcation on the left
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - with a serif
Ṣade: final: Roof on the descender - with tagin
Ṣade: final: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF short stroke
Ṣade: final: Right arm - MOVE TO ROOF short arm attached to the descender
Ṣade: final: Right arm - no arm
Ṣade: final: Right arm - detached from the descender
Ṣade: final: Right arm - joins the descender in the middle
Ṣade: final: Right arm - joins the descender in its upper part
Ṣade: final: Right arm - joins the descender in its lower part
Ṣade: final: Right arm - joins the top of the descender
Ṣade: final: Right arm - juncture with the descender forms a loop
Ṣade: final: Right arm - slanted
Ṣade: final: Right arm - straight
Ṣade: final: Right arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṣade: final: Right arm - rounded
Ṣade: final: Right arm - wavy
Ṣade: final: Right arm - wedge-shaped
Ṣade: final: Right arm - hairline
Ṣade: final: Right arm - with bifurcation
Ṣade: final: Right arm - with a serif
Ṣade: final: Right arm - with a roof
Ṣade: final: Right arm - no roof
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - SPLIT rounded
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - detached from the descender (no arm)
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - traced with the same movement as the arm
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - traced as an separate movement from the arm
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - placed centrally
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - placed to the right
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - placed to the left
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - rounded juncture with the arm
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - angular juncture with the arm
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - juncture with the arm has a butt
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the main stroke
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the headline
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - slanted
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - straight
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - convex (rounded) ⋂
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - diamond-shaped
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the right
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the left
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - with a serif
Ṣade: final: Roof on the right arm - with tagin
Ṣade: final: Serifs - additional stroke
Ṣade: final: Serifs - approach stroke
Ṣade: final: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Ṣade: final: Serifs - hairline
Ṣade: final: Serifs - pointing downwards
Ṣade: final: Serifs - pointing upwards
Ṣade: final: Serifs - short line
Ṣade: final: Serifs - triangle
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - DELETE traced as a separate movement
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - DELETE traced as a part of the lobe
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - parallel to the headline
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - slanted
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - straight
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - convex (rounded) ⋂
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - concave (rounded) ⋃
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - wavy
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - broken
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - with bifurcation
Qoph: Upper horizontal bar of the lobe - with a serif
Qoph: Lobe - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Qoph: Lobe - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Qoph: Lobe - equal to the height of the line of writing
Qoph: Lobe - shorter than a half of the height of the line of writing
Qoph: Lobe - longer than a half of the height of the line of writing
Qoph: Lobe - lobe faces to the right
Qoph: Lobe - lobe faces to the left
Qoph: Lobe - reduced to a line
Qoph: Lobe - rounded
Qoph: Lobe - angular
Qoph: Lobe - triangular
Qoph: Lobe - loop-shaped
Qoph: Lobe - with a drop
Qoph: Lobe - with thickening
Qoph: Lobe - with thinning
Qoph: Lobe - with bifurcation
Qoph: Lobe - with a serif
Qoph: Descender - starts at the headline
Qoph: Descender - DELETE forms a loop
Qoph: Descender - traced with the same movement as the lobe
Qoph: Descender - traced as a separate movement from the lobe
Qoph: Descender - attached to the upper end of the lobe on the left
Qoph: Descender - attached to the upper end of the lobe below it
Qoph: Descender - attached to the lower end of the lobe
Qoph: Descender - detached from the lobe
Qoph: Descender - equal to the height of the line of writing
Qoph: Descender - shorter than the height of the line of writing
Qoph: Descender - longer than the height of the line of writing
Qoph: Descender - perpendicular to the baseline
Qoph: Descender - slanted to the left \
Qoph: Descender - slanted to the right /
Qoph: Descender - straight
Qoph: Descender - rounded
Qoph: Descender - wavy
Qoph: Descender - wedge-shaped
Qoph: Descender - lower end turns upwards on the left
Qoph: Descender - lower end turns upwards on the right
Qoph: Descender - with a drop in the middle
Qoph: Descender - with thickening in the middle
Qoph: Descender - with thinning in the middle
Qoph: Descender - with thickening at the end
Qoph: Descender - with tapering at the end
Qoph: Descender - with bifurcation
Qoph: Descender - with a serif
Qoph: Descender - with a roof
Qoph: Roof on the descender - traced with the same movement as the descender
Qoph: Roof on the descender - traced as a separate movement from the descender
Qoph: Roof on the descender - placed centrally
Qoph: Roof on the descender - placed to the right
Qoph: Roof on the descender - placed to the left
Qoph: Roof on the descender - rounded juncture with the descender
Qoph: Roof on the descender - angular juncture with the descender
Qoph: Roof on the descender - cross-shaped juncture with the descender
Qoph: Roof on the descender - juncture with the descender has a butt
Qoph: Roof on the descender - parallel to the headline
Qoph: Roof on the descender - slanted
Qoph: Roof on the descender - straight
Qoph: Roof on the descender - convex (rounded) ⋂
Qoph: Roof on the descender - concave (rounded) ⋃
Qoph: Roof on the descender - diamond-shaped
Qoph: Roof on the descender - with bifurcation on the right
Qoph: Roof on the descender - with bifurcation on the left
Qoph: Roof on the descender - with a serif
Qoph: Serifs - additional stroke
Qoph: Serifs - approach stroke
Qoph: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Qoph: Serifs - hairline
Qoph: Serifs - pointing downwards
Qoph: Serifs - pointing upwards
Qoph: Serifs - short line
Qoph: Serifs - triangle
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - with thickening at the end
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - with tapering at the end
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Resh: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - slanted
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Resh: Right-hand downstroke - with a serif
Resh: Serifs - additional stroke
Resh: Serifs - approach stroke
Resh: Serifs - short line
Resh: Serifs - triangle
Resh: Serifs - hairline
Resh: Serifs - pointing upwards
Resh: Serifs - pointing downwards
Resh: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Shin/Sin: Right arm - traced with the same movement as the left arm
Shin/Sin: Right arm - traced as a separate movement from the left arm
Shin/Sin: Right arm - joins the left arm sharply at the baseline
Shin/Sin: Right arm - forms a base parallel to the baseline
Shin/Sin: Right arm - forms a base slanted in respect of the baseline
Shin/Sin: Right arm - forms a concave base ⋃
Shin/Sin: Right arm - parallel to the baseline
Shin/Sin: Right arm - slanted
Shin/Sin: Right arm - equal to the left arm
Shin/Sin: Right arm - shorter than the left arm
Shin/Sin: Right arm - longer than the left arm
Shin/Sin: Right arm - straight
Shin/Sin: Right arm - rounded
Shin/Sin: Right arm - wavy
Shin/Sin: Right arm - hairline
Shin/Sin: Right arm - with a drop in the middle
Shin/Sin: Right arm - with thickening in the middle
Shin/Sin: Right arm - with thinning in the middle
Shin/Sin: Right arm - with thickening at the end
Shin/Sin: Right arm - with tapering at the end
Shin/Sin: Right arm - with bifurcation
Shin/Sin: Right arm - with a serif
Shin/Sin: Right arm - with a roof
Shin/Sin: Right arm - no roof
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - traced with the same movement as the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - traced as a separate movement from the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - placed centrally
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - placed to the right
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - placed to the left
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - rounded juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - angular juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - juncture with the arm has a butt
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - parallel to the headline
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - slanted
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - straight
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - SPLIT rounded
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - convex (rounded) ⋂
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - diamond-shaped
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the right
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - with bifurcation on the left
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - with a serif
Shin/Sin: Roof on the right arm - with tagin
Shin/Sin: Left arm - traced with the same movement as the right arm
Shin/Sin: Left arm - traced as a separate movement from the right arm
Shin/Sin: Left arm - joins the right arm/base with a butt
Shin/Sin: Left arm - joins the right arm/base at the baseline
Shin/Sin: Left arm - joins the right arm/base below the baseline
Shin/Sin: Left arm - joins the right arm/base above the baseline
Shin/Sin: Left arm - goes below the juncture with the right arm forming a tail
Shin/Sin: Left arm - ascends above the headline
Shin/Sin: Left arm - perpendicular to the baseline
Shin/Sin: Left arm - slanted
Shin/Sin: Left arm - equal to the right arm
Shin/Sin: Left arm - shorter than the right arm
Shin/Sin: Left arm - longer than the right arm
Shin/Sin: Left arm - straight
Shin/Sin: Left arm - rounded
Shin/Sin: Left arm - wavy
Shin/Sin: Left arm - wedge-shaped
Shin/Sin: Left arm - hairline
Shin/Sin: Left arm - with a drop in the middle
Shin/Sin: Left arm - with thickening in the middle
Shin/Sin: Left arm - with thinning in the middle
Shin/Sin: Left arm - with thickening at the end
Shin/Sin: Left arm - with tapering at the end
Shin/Sin: Left arm - with bifurcation
Shin/Sin: Left arm - with a serif
Shin/Sin: Left arm - with a roof
Shin/Sin: Left arm - no roof
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - traced with the same movement as the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - traced as a separate movement from the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - placed centrally
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - placed to the right
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - placed to the left
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - rounded juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - angular juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - juncture with the arm has a butt
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - parallel to the headline
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - slanted
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - straight
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - SPLIT rounded
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - convex (rounded) ⋂
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - concave (rounded) ⋃
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - diamond-shaped
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on the right
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - with bifurcation on the left
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - with a serif
Shin/Sin: Roof on the left arm - with tagin
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - DELETE equal to an average yod
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - DELETE shorter than an average yod
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - DELETE longer than an average yod
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - MOVE TO HEAD turns to the right
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - MOVE TO HEAD turns to the left
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - MOVE TO HEAD turns upwards
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - MOVE TO HEAD turns downwards
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - traced with the same movement as the left arm
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - traced as a separate movement from the left arm
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins the arms/base
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - detached from the arms/base
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins/approaches the juncture between the left and right arms
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins/approaches the right arm in its upper part
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins/approaches the right arm in the middle
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins/approaches the right arm in its lower part
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - SPLIT joins/approaches the left arm at the top
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins the left arm at the top centrally
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins the left arm at the top on the right
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins the left arm at the top on the left
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins/approaches the left arm in its upper part
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins/approaches the left arm in the middle
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - joins/approaches the left arm in its lower part
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - loop formed with the left arm
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - ascends above the headline
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - parallel to the right arm
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - parallel to the headline
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - SPLIT slanted
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - slanted to the right
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - slanted to the left
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - straight
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - rounded
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - wavy
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - wedge-shaped
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - hairline
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - with bifurcation
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - with a serif
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - with a roof
Shin/Sin: Middle stroke - no roof
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - detached (no arm)
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - traced with the same movement as the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - traced as a separate movement from the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - placed centrally
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - placed to the right
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - placed to the left
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - points upwards
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - points downwards
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - rounded juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - angular juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - cross-shaped juncture with the arm
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - juncture with the arm has a butt
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - parallel to the headline
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - slanted
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - straight
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - SPLIT rounded
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - convex (rounded) ⋂
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - concave (rounded) ⋃
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - diamond-shaped
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - with bifurcation on the right
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - with bifurcation on the left
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - with a serif
Shin/Sin: Roof on the middle stroke - with tagin
Shin/Sin: Serifs - additional stroke
Shin/Sin: Serifs - approach stroke
Shin/Sin: Serifs - short line
Shin/Sin: Serifs - triangle
Shin/Sin: Serifs - hairline
Shin/Sin: Serifs - pointing upwards
Shin/Sin: Serifs - pointing downwards
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - no horizontal bar (pointed)
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - extends beyond the juncture with the right-hand downstroke
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - forms a lobe
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - slanted
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - straight
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - concave (rounded) ⋃
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - with thickening at the end
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - with tapering at the end
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
Tav: Upper horizontal bar - with a serif
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the upper bar
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - joins the upper bar
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - angular juncture with the upper bar
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar has a butt
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - joins the left-hand downstroke
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the left-hand downstroke at the headline
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - pointy juncture with the left-hand downstroke at the headline
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - forms a lobe
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - forms a loop
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - equal to the left-hand downstroke
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - shorter than the left-hand downstroke
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - longer than the left-hand downstroke
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - MERGE slanted to the right /
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - MERGE slanted to the left \
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - straight
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - rounded
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - wavy
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - wedge-shaped
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - hairline
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Tav: Right-hand downstroke - with a serif
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - DELETE equal to the height of the line of writing
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - DELETE joins the right-hand downstroke at the headline with a pointy juncture
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - DELETE joins the right-hand downstroke at the headline with a rounded juncture
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - DELETE forms a loop open on the left
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the right-hand downstroke
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the right-hand downstroke
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the upper bar
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar below it
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - juncture with the upper bar on the left
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - cross-shaped juncture with the upper bar
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - separate from the upper bar
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - SPLIT attached to the right-hand downstroke
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the lower end of the right-hand downstroke
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - attached to the lower end of the right-hand downstroke with a loop
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - equal to the right-hand downstroke
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - shorter than the right-hand downstroke
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - longer than the right-hand downstroke
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - perpendicular to the baseline
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - MERGE slanted to the right
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - MERGE slanted to the left
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - reaches the baseline
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - does not reach the baseline
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - descends below the baseline
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - the part below the baseline is longer than the body of the letter
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - straight
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - rounded
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - wavy
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - wedge-shaped
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - hairline
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with a drop in the middle
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening in the middle
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with thinning in the middle
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with thickening at the end
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with tapering at the end
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with a serif
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with a foot
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - no foot
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - with a roof
Tav: Left-hand downstroke - no roof
Tav: Foot - DELETE turns upwards on the right
Tav: Foot - traced with the same movement as the downstroke
Tav: Foot - traced as a separate movement from the downstroke
Tav: Foot - placed centrally
Tav: Foot - turns to the right
Tav: Foot - turns to the left
Tav: Foot - turns upwards
Tav: Foot - turns downwards
Tav: Foot - almost touches the upper bar on the left
Tav: Foot - descends below the baseline
Tav: Foot - parallel to the baseline
Tav: Foot - slanted
Tav: Foot - straight
Tav: Foot - convex (rounded) ⋂
Tav: Foot - concave (rounded) ⋃
Tav: Foot - diamond-shaped
Tav: Foot - with thickening at the end
Tav: Foot - with tapering at the end
Tav: Foot - with a spur
Tav: Foot - with bifurcation
Tav: Foot - with a serif
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the left-hand downstroke
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - traced as a separate movement from the left-hand downstroke
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - parallel to the headline
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - slanted
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - straight
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - SPLIT rounded
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - convex (rounded) ⋂
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - concave (rounded) ⋃
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - diamond-shaped
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - hook-shaped
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - dot
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - with bifurcation
Tav: Roof on the left-hand downstroke - with a serif
Tav: Serifs - additional stroke
Tav: Serifs - approach stroke
Tav: Serifs - short line
Tav: Serifs - triangle
Tav: Serifs - hairline
Tav: Serifs - pointing upwards
Tav: Serifs - pointing downwards
Tav: Serifs - crosses the upper bar
Magical Character
Aleph (Magical)
Beth (Magical)
Gimel (Magical)
Daleth (Magical)
He (Magical)
Vav (Magical)
Zayin (Magical)
Ḥeth (Magical)
Ṭeth (Magical)
Yod (Magical)
Kaph (Magical)
Kaph: final (Magical)
Lamed (Magical)
Mem (Magical)
Mem: final (Magical)
Nun (Magical)
Nun: final (Magical)
Samekh (Magical)
'Ayin (Magical)
Pe (Magical)
Pe: final (Magical)
Ṣade (Magical)
Ṣade: final (Magical)
Qoph (Magical)
Resh (Magical)
Shin/Sin (Magical)
Tav (Magical)
Meshunnah Character
Aleph Meshunnah
Beth Meshunnah
Gimel Meshunnah
Daleth Meshunnah
He Meshunnah
Vav Meshunnah
Zayin Meshunnah
Ḥeth Meshunnah
Ṭeth Meshunnah
Yod Meshunnah
Kaph Meshunnah
Kaph: final Meshunnah
Lamed Meshunnah
Mem Meshunnah
Mem: final Meshunnah
Nun Meshunnah
Nun: final Meshunnah
Samekh Meshunnah
'Ayin Meshunnah
Pe Meshunnah
Pe: final Meshunnah
Ṣade Meshunnah
Ṣade: final Meshunnah
Qoph Meshunnah
Resh Meshunnah
Shin/Sin Meshunnah
Tav Meshunnah
Meshunnah Character Component
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Beth Meshunnah: Base
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke
Gimel Meshunnah: Head
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Daleth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
He Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke
Vav Meshunnah: Head
Vav Meshunnah: Main downstroke: bottom
Zayin Meshunnah: Head
Zayin Meshunnah: Main stem
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: straight
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Right arm
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Left arm
Yod Meshunnah: Head
Yod Meshunnah: Main stroke/tail
Kaph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Kaph Meshunnah: Base
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Right-hand descender
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender
Lamed Meshunnah: Horizontal bar
Lamed Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke
Mem Meshunnah: Base
Mem Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke/left arm
Mem Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Mem: final Meshunnah: Base
Nun Meshunnah: Head
Nun Meshunnah: Foot
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head
Nun: final Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Samekh Meshunnah: Base
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm
'Ayin Meshunnah: Base
'Ayin Meshunnah: Head
Pe Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Pe Meshunnah: Base
Pe Meshunnah: Nose
Pe: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Pe: final Meshunnah: Nose
Ṣade Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke
Ṣade Meshunnah: Right arm
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Descender
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Right arm
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Qoph Meshunnah: Descender
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Resh Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Right arm
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Left arm
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Middle stroke
Tav Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar
Tav Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke
Meshunnah Character Feature
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 1 tag: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 1 tag: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 2 tagin: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 2 tagin: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 3 tagin: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 3 tagin: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 4 tagin: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 4 tagin: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 5 tagin: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 5 tagin: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 2 tendrils clockwise: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 2 tendrils clockwise: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: top
Aleph Meshunnah: Main oblique stroke - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: bottom
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 1 tag
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 2 tagin
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 3 tagin
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 4 tagin
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 5 tagin
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 1 tendril clockwise
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 2 tendrils clockwise
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Aleph Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 2 tendrils anticlockwise
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tag
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tagin
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 3 tagin
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 4 tagin
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 5 tagin
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tendril clockwise
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tendrils clockwise
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Aleph Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tendrils anticlockwise
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 4 tagin
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 5 tagin
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils clockwise
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Beth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils anticlockwise
Beth Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril clockwise
Beth Meshunnah: Base - 2 tendrils clockwise
Beth Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Beth Meshunnah: Base - 2 tendrils anticlockwise
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke - 1 tag
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke - 2 tagin
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke - 3 tagin
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke - 4 tagin
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke - 1 tendril clockwise
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke - 2 tendrils clockwise
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Gimel Meshunnah: Main downstroke - 2 tendrils anticlockwise
Gimel Meshunnah: Head - 2 tagin
Gimel Meshunnah: Head - 3 tagin
Gimel Meshunnah: Head - 4 tagin
Gimel Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise
Gimel Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils clockwise
Gimel Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Gimel Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils anticlockwise
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 4 tagin
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 5 tagin
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils clockwise: top
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils clockwise: bottom
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: top
Daleth Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: bottom
Daleth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - end curled clockwise
Daleth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - end curled anticlockwise
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 4 tagin
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 5 tagin
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: top
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils clockwise: top
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils clockwise: bottom
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: top
He Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: bottom
He Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - end curled clockwise
He Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - end curled anticlockwise
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: top
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: bottom
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 2 tagin
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 3 tagin
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils clockwise: top
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils clockwise: bottom
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: top
Vav Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: bottom
Vav Meshunnah: Main downstroke: bottom - end curled clockwise
Vav Meshunnah: Main downstroke: bottom - end curled anticlockwise
Vav Meshunnah: Main downstroke: bottom - bent
Vav Meshunnah: Main downstroke: bottom - broken through
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - head extended to right
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - head extended to right and bent into lobe
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: top
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: bottom
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 2 tagin: top
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 3 tagin: top
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils clockwise: top
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Zayin Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: top
Zayin Meshunnah: Main stem - tendril clockwise: middle
Zayin Meshunnah: Main stem - tendril anticlockwise: middle
Zayin Meshunnah: Main stem - tendril bifurcated: middle
Zayin Meshunnah: Main stem - end curled clockwise
Zayin Meshunnah: Main stem - end curled anticlockwise
Zayin Meshunnah: Main stem - end bifurcated
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: straight - 1 tag
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: straight - 2 tagin
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: straight - 3 tagin
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: straight - 4 tagin
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: straight - tendril clockwise
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: straight - tendril anticlockwise
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - 1 tag: right
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - 1 tag: left
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - 2 tagin: right
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - 2 tagin: left
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - 3 tagin: right
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - 3 tagin: left
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - 4 tagin: right
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - 4 tagin: left
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - tendril clockwise: right
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - tendril clockwise: left
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - tendril anticlockwise: right
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Upper bar: divided - tendril anticlockwise: left
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - angled outwards (down and right)
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - elongated compared to other downstroke
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - end curled clockwise
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - end curled anticlockwise
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - foot
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - angled outwards (down and left)
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - elongated compared to other downstroke
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - end curled clockwise
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - end curled anticlockwise
Ḥeth Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - foot
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Right arm - lefufa (roof curled inwards)
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tag
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tagin
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Right arm - 3 tagin
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Left arm - 1 tag
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Left arm - 2 tagin
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Left arm - 3 tagin
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Left arm - roof elevated above headline
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Left arm - tendril clockwise
Ṭeth Meshunnah: Left arm - tendril anticlockwise
Yod Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: top
Yod Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: bottom
Yod Meshunnah: Head - 2 tagin: top
Yod Meshunnah: Head - 3 tagin: top
Yod Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Yod Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Yod Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Yod Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Yod Meshunnah: Head - flag stroke above headline: top
Yod Meshunnah: Main stroke/tail - curved to left
Yod Meshunnah: Main stroke/tail - tendril clockwise
Yod Meshunnah: Main stroke/tail - tendril anticlockwise
Kaph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top
Kaph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom
Kaph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin: top
Kaph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin: top
Kaph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Kaph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Kaph Meshunnah: Base - 1 tag
Kaph Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Kaph Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril clockwise
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 4 tagin: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 5 tagin: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils clockwise: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: top
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Right-hand descender - end curled clockwise
Kaph: final Meshunnah: Right-hand descender - end curled anticlockwise
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - embellished
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - two-pronged fork
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - three-pronged fork
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - tendril clockwise
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - tendril anticlockwise
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - tendril bifurcated
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - flag elongated
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - parallel strokes on right of stem
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - parallel strokes on left of stem
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - flag on other side of ascender than usual
Lamed Meshunnah: Flag of the ascender - unusual lack of flag
Lamed Meshunnah: Horizontal bar - 1 tag
Lamed Meshunnah: Horizontal bar - 2 tagin
Lamed Meshunnah: Horizontal bar - 3 tagin
Lamed Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - end curled clockwise
Lamed Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - end curled anticlockwise
Mem Meshunnah: Base - 1 tag
Mem Meshunnah: Base - 2 tagin
Mem Meshunnah: Base - 3 tagin
Mem Meshunnah: Base - tendril clockwise
Mem Meshunnah: Base - tendril anticlockwise
Mem Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke/left arm - 1 tag: top of roof
Mem Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke/left arm - 1 tag: bottom of roof
Mem Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke/left arm - 2 tagin: top of roof
Mem Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke/left arm - 3 tagin: top of roof
Mem Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke/left arm - tendril clockwise: end downstroke
Mem Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke/left arm - tendril anticlockwise: end downstroke
Mem Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - 1 tag
Mem Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - 2 tagin
Mem Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - 3 tagin
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin: top
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin: top
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Mem: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Mem: final Meshunnah: Base - 1 tag
Mem: final Meshunnah: Base - 2 tagin
Mem: final Meshunnah: Base - 3 tagin
Mem: final Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril clockwise
Mem: final Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: top
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: bottom
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 2 tagin: top
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 2 tagin: bottom
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 3 tagin: top
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils clockwise: top
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils clockwise: bottom
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: top
Nun Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: bottom
Nun Meshunnah: Foot - base curls back on itself, under and to right
Nun Meshunnah: Foot - 1 tendril clockwise
Nun Meshunnah: Foot - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Nun Meshunnah: Foot - foot unusually joined to right of stem
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: top
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 1 tag: bottom
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 2 tagin: top
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 3 tagin: top
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils clockwise: top
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Nun: final Meshunnah: Head - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: top
Nun: final Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - tendril clockwise: middle
Nun: final Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - tendril anticlockwise: middle
Nun: final Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - tendril bifurcated: middle
Nun: final Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - end curled clockwise: foot
Nun: final Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - end curled anticlockwise: foot
Nun: final Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - end bifurcated: foot
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin: top
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin: top
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: top
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top
Samekh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom
Samekh Meshunnah: Base - 1 tag
Samekh Meshunnah: Base - 2 tagin
Samekh Meshunnah: Base - 3 tagin
Samekh Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril clockwise
Samekh Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril anticlockwise
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tag: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tagin: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 3 tagin: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tendril clockwise: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tendrils clockwise: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tendril anticlockwise: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tag: roof: bottom side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tendril clockwise: roof: bottom side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tendril anticlockwise: roof: bottom side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 1 tag: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 2 tagin: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 3 tagin: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 1 tendril clockwise: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 2 tendrils clockwise: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 1 tendril anticlockwise: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: roof: top side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 1 tag: roof: bottom side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 1 tendril clockwise: roof: bottom side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Left arm - 1 tendril anticlockwise: roof: bottom side
'Ayin Meshunnah: Base - Tendril clockwise
'Ayin Meshunnah: Base - Tendril anticlockwise
'Ayin Meshunnah: Base - Base curls back on itself, under and to right
'Ayin Meshunnah: Head - lefufa (roof curled inwards)
'Ayin Meshunnah: Head - roof curls up and over to the right
'Ayin Meshunnah: Head - roof elevated above headline
'Ayin Meshunnah: Head - roof extends left and curls over anticlockwise
Pe Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag
Pe Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin
Pe Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin
Pe Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise
Pe Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils clockwise
Pe Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Pe Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tendrils anticlockwise
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 1 tag: top side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 2 tagin: top side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 1 tag: bottom side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 2 tagin: bottom side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 3 tagin: bottom side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 2 tendrils clockwise: bottom side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - 2 tendrils anticlockwise: bottom side
Pe Meshunnah: Base - many-pointed tag or tendril: bottom side
Pe Meshunnah: Nose - lefufa (nose curled inwards)
Pe Meshunnah: Nose - lefufa (nose curled outwards)
Pe Meshunnah: Nose - double lefufa (nose is pe-within-a-pe)
Pe Meshunnah: Nose - 1 tag
Pe Meshunnah: Nose - 2 tagin
Pe: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag
Pe: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin
Pe: final Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin
Pe: final Meshunnah: Nose - lefufa (nose curled inwards)
Pe: final Meshunnah: Nose - lefufa (nose curled outwards)
Pe: final Meshunnah: Nose - double lefufa (nose is pe-within-a-pe)
Pe: final Meshunnah: Nose - 1 tag
Pe: final Meshunnah: Nose - 2 tagin
Pe: final Meshunnah: Nose - tendril clockwise
Pe: final Meshunnah: Nose - tendril anticlockwise
Ṣade Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - 1 tag: roof
Ṣade Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - 2 tagin: roof
Ṣade Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - 3 tagin: roof
Ṣade Meshunnah: Main stem/downstroke - roof elevated above headline
Ṣade Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tag: roof
Ṣade Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tagin: roof
Ṣade Meshunnah: Right arm - 3 tagin: roof
Ṣade Meshunnah: Right arm - roof elevated above headline
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Descender - 1 tag: roof
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Descender - 2 tagin: roof
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Descender - 3 tagin: roof
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Descender - roof elevated above headline
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tag: roof
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tagin: roof
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Right arm - 3 tagin: roof
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Right arm - tendril clockwise: roof
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Right arm - tendril anticlockwise: roof
Ṣade: final Meshunnah: Right arm - roof elevated above headline
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top side
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin: top side
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin: top side
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: top side
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top side
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom side
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom side
Qoph Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom side
Qoph Meshunnah: Descender - unusually slanted
Qoph Meshunnah: Descender - unusually without roof
Qoph Meshunnah: Descender - unusually joined to upper horizontal bar
Qoph Meshunnah: Descender - end curled clockwise
Qoph Meshunnah: Descender - end curled anticlockwise
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top side
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin: top side
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin: top side
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: top side
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: top side
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - flag stroke above headline: top side
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom side
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril clockwise: bottom side
Resh Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tendril anticlockwise: bottom side
Resh Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - 1 tendril clockwise
Resh Meshunnah: Right-hand downstroke - 1 tendril anticlockwise
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Right arm - 1 tag: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Right arm - 2 tagin: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Right arm - 3 tagin: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Left arm - 1 tag: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Left arm - 2 tagin: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Left arm - 3 tagin: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Left arm - curled inwards: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Middle stroke - 1 tag: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Middle stroke - 2 tagin: roof
Shin/Sin Meshunnah: Middle stroke - 3 tagin: roof
Tav Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: top side
Tav Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 2 tagin: top side
Tav Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 3 tagin: top side
Tav Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - tendril clockwise: top side
Tav Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - tendril anticlockwise: top side
Tav Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - flag stroke above headline: top side
Tav Meshunnah: Upper horizontal bar - 1 tag: bottom side
Tav Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - 1 tag
Tav Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - tendril clockwise
Tav Meshunnah: Left-hand downstroke - tendril anticlockwise
Connected ligature (TEST)
Nexus Component
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - chevron
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - serifs
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - horizontal bar
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right)
Connected ligature (TEST): Location of juncture
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features
Nexus Feature
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - chevron - angular
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - chevron - rounded
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - chevron - both parts of the chevron are written with a different movement from the ascender
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - chevron - lower part of the chevron is written with the same movement as the ascender
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - oblique stroke is straight
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - oblique stroke is wavy
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - there is a left-hand downstroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - there is no left-hand downstroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - there is a right-hand stroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - there is no right-hand stroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke is the only component
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke does not join the oblique stroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke joins the oblique stroke at a blunt angle
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke joins the oblique stroke at a straight angle
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke joins the oblique stroke at a pointy angle
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke (spike) is dot-shaped
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke (spike) is straight
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke (spike) is slanted
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke (spike) is rounded
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - square - right-hand stroke has a roof
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - left-hand downstroke is longer than the right-hand downstroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - left-hand downstroke is equal to the right-hand downstroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - left-hand downstroke is shorter than the right-hand downstroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - left-hand downstroke is straight
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - left-hand downstroke is rounded
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - right-hand downstroke is straight
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - right-hand downstroke is rounded
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - right-hand downstroke is wavy
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - left-hand stroke does not join the right-hand stroke
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - vertical stroke joins horizontal stroke at left-hand end
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - vertical stroke joins horizontal stroke in the middle
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - vertical stroke joins horizontal stroke at right-hand end
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - blunt angle between strokes
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - straight angle between strokes
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - pointy angle between strokes
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - juncture is above the headline
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - juncture is at the headline
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - juncture is inside the line of writing
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - juncture is at the baseline
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - juncture is below the baseline
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - left-hand downstroke descends below the juncture
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - cross-shaped - right-hand downstroke turns to the left after the juncture
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - serifs - on the upper part of the chevron
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - serifs - on the lower part of the chevron
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - serifs - rounded
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - serifs - triangular
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - serifs - pointing upwards
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - serifs - pointing downwards
Aleph-Lamed: Aleph component - serifs - no serif
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - there is no horizontal bar
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - ascender is detached from the aleph component
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - rounded juncture with the aleph component
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - angular juncture with the aleph component
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - ascender joins chevron in the middle
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - ascender joins chevron on its far left
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - invisible lines are present
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - invisible lines are not present
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - juncture with the aleph component above the headline
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - juncture with the aleph component at the headline
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - juncture with the aleph component is in the upper part of the line of writing
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - juncture with the aleph component is in the middle of the line of writing
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - juncture with the aleph component is in the lower part of the line of writing
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - juncture with the aleph component at the baseline
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - ascender - juncture with the aleph component below the baseline
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - horizontal bar - straight
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - horizontal bar - rounded
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - no flag
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - traced with the same movement as the ascender
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - traced as a separate movement from the ascender
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - placed to the left
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - placed centrally
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - placed to the right
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - perpendicular to the headline
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - slanted
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - straight
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - rounded
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - wavy
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - hairline
Aleph-Lamed: Lamed component - flag - loop-shaped
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Aleph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Beth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Gimel
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Daleth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - He
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Vav
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Zayin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Ḥeth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Ṭeth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Yod
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Kaph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Kaph (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Lamed
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Mem
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Mem (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Nun
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Nun (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Samekh
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Ayin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Pe
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Pe (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Ṣade
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Ṣade (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Qoph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Resh
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Shin/Sin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Tav
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Aleph-lamed nexus
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Vowel
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the left (initial or medial) - Diacritic/abbreviation
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Aleph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Beth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Gimel
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Daleth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - He
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Vav
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Zayin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Ḥeth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Ṭeth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Yod
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Kaph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Kaph (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Lamed
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Mem
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Mem (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Nun
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Nun (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Samekh
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Ayin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Pe
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Pe (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Ṣade
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Ṣade (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Qoph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Resh
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Shin/Sin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Tav
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Aleph-lamed nexus
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Vowel
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on the right (medial or final) - Diacritic/abbreviation
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Aleph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Beth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Gimel
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Daleth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - He
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Vav
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Zayin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Ḥeth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Ṭeth
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Yod
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Kaph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Kaph (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Lamed
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Mem
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Mem (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Nun
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Nun (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Samekh
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Ayin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Pe
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Pe (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Ṣade
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Ṣade (final)
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Qoph
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Resh
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Shin/Sin
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Tav
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Aleph-lamed nexus
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Vowel
Connected ligature (TEST): Letters ligatured on both sides (must also be tagged as left and right) - Diacritic/abbreviation
Connected ligature (TEST): Location of juncture - Above the line of writing
Connected ligature (TEST): Location of juncture - Within the line of writing
Connected ligature (TEST): Location of juncture - Below the line of writing
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features - Puzzle imbrication
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features - Invisible letters
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features - Connector
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features - Loop
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features - Split letter
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features - Modification of the letter shape
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features - Modification of the letter size
Connected ligature (TEST): Ligature features - Modification of the letter position relative to the line
Numeral Type
Arabic - 0
Arabic - 1
Arabic - 2
Arabic - 3
Arabic - 4
Arabic - 5
Arabic - 6
Arabic - 7
Arabic - 8
Arabic - 9
Coptic - 1
Coptic - 2
Coptic - 3
Coptic - 4
Coptic - 5
Coptic - 6
Coptic - 7
Coptic - 8
Coptic - 9
Coptic - 10
Coptic - 20
Coptic - 30
Coptic - 40
Coptic - 50
Coptic - 60
Coptic - 70
Coptic - 80
Coptic - 90
Coptic - 100
Coptic - 200
Coptic - 300
Coptic - 400
Coptic - 500
Coptic - 600
Coptic - 700
Coptic - 800
Coptic - 900
Coptic - 1000
Coptic - 2000
Coptic - 3000
Coptic - 4000
Coptic - 5000
Coptic - 6000
Coptic - 7000
Coptic - 8000
Coptic - 9000
Zimām - 1
Zimām - 2
Zimām - 3
Zimām - 4
Zimām - 5
Zimām - 6
Zimām - 7
Zimām - 8
Zimām - 9
Zimām - 10
Zimām - 20
Zimām - 30
Zimām - 40
Zimām - 50
Zimām - 60
Zimām - 70
Zimām - 80
Zimām - 90
Zimām - 100
Zimām - 200
Zimām - 300
Zimām - 400
Zimām - 500
Zimām - 600
Zimām - 700
Zimām - 800
Zimām - 900
Zimām - 1000
Zimām - 2000
Zimām - 3000
Zimām - 4000
Zimām - 5000
Zimām - 6000
Zimām - 7000
Zimām - 8000
Zimām - 9000
Zimām - 1/2
Zimām - 1/3
Zimām - 1/4
Zimām - 1/5
Mozarabic/Toledan - 1
Mozarabic/Toledan - 2
Mozarabic/Toledan - 3
Mozarabic/Toledan - 4
Mozarabic/Toledan - 5
Mozarabic/Toledan - 6
Mozarabic/Toledan - 7
Mozarabic/Toledan - 8
Mozarabic/Toledan - 9
Mozarabic/Toledan - 10
Mozarabic/Toledan - 20
Mozarabic/Toledan - 30
Mozarabic/Toledan - 40
Mozarabic/Toledan - 50
Mozarabic/Toledan - 60
Mozarabic/Toledan - 70
Mozarabic/Toledan - 80
Mozarabic/Toledan - 90
Mozarabic/Toledan - 100
Mozarabic/Toledan - 200
Mozarabic/Toledan - 300
Mozarabic/Toledan - 400
Mozarabic/Toledan - 500
Mozarabic/Toledan - 600
Mozarabic/Toledan - 700
Mozarabic/Toledan - 800
Mozarabic/Toledan - 900
Mozarabic/Toledan - 1000
Mozarabic/Toledan - 2000
Mozarabic/Toledan - 3000
Mozarabic/Toledan - 4000
Mozarabic/Toledan - 5000
Mozarabic/Toledan - 10000
Mozarabic/Toledan - Half
Mozarabic/Toledan - Quarter
Mozarabic/Toledan - Third
Rūmī/Fāsī - 1
Rūmī/Fāsī - 2
Rūmī/Fāsī - 3
Rūmī/Fāsī - 4
Rūmī/Fāsī - 5
Rūmī/Fāsī - 6
Rūmī/Fāsī - 7
Rūmī/Fāsī - 8
Rūmī/Fāsī - 9
Rūmī/Fāsī - 10
Rūmī/Fāsī - 20
Rūmī/Fāsī - 30
Rūmī/Fāsī - 40
Rūmī/Fāsī - 50
Rūmī/Fāsī - 60
Rūmī/Fāsī - 70
Rūmī/Fāsī - 80
Rūmī/Fāsī - 90
Rūmī/Fāsī - 100
Rūmī/Fāsī - 200
Rūmī/Fāsī - 300
Rūmī/Fāsī - 400
Rūmī/Fāsī - 500
Rūmī/Fāsī - 600
Rūmī/Fāsī - 700
Rūmī/Fāsī - 800
Rūmī/Fāsī - 900
There is no punctuation
Sof pasuq
2 dots
3 dots
4 dots
Short stroke
2 short strokes
3 short strokes
Paragraph sign: circle
Paragraph sign: decoration
Paragraph sign: '6-shape'
Parashah sign
Haphtara sign
Chapter symbol
Sof pasuq
Zaqef qatan
Zaqef gadol
Shne pashṭin/tre qadmin
Qarne farah
Telisha gedolah/talsha/tirṣa
Munaḥ/shofar holekh/shofar ‘ilui
Mahpakh/shofar hafukh
Telisha qeṭanah (talsha/tarsa)
Merkha kefulah/tere ta’ame/teren ḥuṭrin
Yeraḥ ben yomo/galgal
Geresh muqdam
Atnaḥ hafukh
Vowel/Diacritic Type
Babylonian - Ḥireq
Babylonian - Pataḥ (lines)
Babylonian - Pataḥ (dots)
Babylonian - Qameṣ (lines)
Babylonian - Qameṣ (dots)
Babylonian - Ṣere
Babylonian - Ḥolem
Babylonian - Qibbuṣ (lines)
Babylonian - Qibbuṣ (dots)
Babylonian - Ḥitfa (= shewa)
Babylonian - Miniature shin
Babylonian - Miniature samekh
Babylonian - Miniature he
Babylonian - Miniature gimel
Babylonian - Miniature qof
Babylonian - Mid-dot
Babylonian - Compound ḥireq
Babylonian - Compound pataḥ (lines)
Babylonian - Compound pataḥ (dots)
Babylonian - Compound qameṣ (lines)
Babylonian - Compound qameṣ (dots)
Babylonian - Compound ṣere
Babylonian - Compound ḥolem
Babylonian - Compound qibbuṣ (lines)
Babylonian - Compound qibbuṣ (dots)
Palestinian - Pataḥ
Palestinian - Qameṣ
Palestinian - Seghol
Palestinian - Ṣere
Palestinian - Ḥireq
Palestinian - Ḥolem
Palestinian - Qibbuṣ
Palestinian - Dagesh/mappiq/Shewa (L)
Palestinian - Dagesh/mappiq/Shewa (<)
Palestinian - Dagesh/mappiq/Shewa (C)
Palestinian - Rafe
Palestinian - Miniature shin
Palestinian - Miniature samekh
Palestinian - Shin/sin diacritic
Tiberian - Pataḥ
Tiberian - Seghol
Tiberian - Qameṣ
Tiberian - Ṣere
Tiberian - Ḥolem
Tiberian - Ḥireq
Tiberian - Shureq
Tiberian - Qibbuṣ
Tiberian - Shewa
Tiberian - Gaʿya
Tiberian - Rafe
Tiberian - Dagesh/mappiq
Tiberian - Meteg
Tiberian - Ḥaṭef pataḥ
Tiberian - Ḥaṭef seghol
Tiberian - Ḥaṭef qameṣ
Tiberian - Silluq (sof pasuq)
Tiberian - Atnaḥ
Tiberian - Shin/sin dot
Item (Shelfmark)
Berlin, SBB MS. Hamilton 288
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 1211
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 1213
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 1214
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 1215
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 1216
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 1217
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 1218
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 1220
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 133
Berlin, SBB MS. Or. Fol. 134
Berlin SBB MS. Or. quart. 568
Berlin SBB MS. Or. quart. 9
Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 803
Bologna, BU 2208
Budapest, MTA MS. A388
Budapest, MTA MS. A50
Cambridge, CUL MS. A 1
Cambridge, CUL MS. A 3
Cambridge, CUL MS. T-S K 15.61
Florence, FIR NAZ MS. Magl II.I.7
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.14
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.17
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.22
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.26
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.27
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.30
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.41
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.42
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.43
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.44
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.5
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.50
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.6
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.7
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.1.9
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.21
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.41
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.3.3
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.3.4
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.44.14
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.88.2
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.88.27
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.88.32
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.88.35
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.88.52
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.88.55
Haifa, Mosaic Floor from a Synagogue in Beth-Shean
Jerusalem, Israel Museum, Mosaic Floor from a Synagogue in Rehov
Kraków, ANK, sign. 658/1249
Legnica Akta Miasta Legnicy, Dokumenty « A », Sygn. 439; Doc. 1451
London, BM 1886,0109.4
London, BM 1971,0229.1
London, BM 1974,1209.2
London, BM 1980,0415.1
Los Angeles, Getty 116
Mosaic Floor from a Synagogue in Beth Alpha
Munich, BSB Cod. hebr. 101
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 108
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 111
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 117
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 118
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 140
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 141
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 152
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 2
Munich. BSB Cod. Hebr. 201
Munich, BSB Cod. hebr. 212
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 229
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 281
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 302
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 36
Munich, BSB Cod. hebr. 387
Munich, BSB Cod.hebr. 4(1
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 410
Munich. BSB Cod. Hebr. 423
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 95
Munich, BSB Cod. Hebr. 97
Munich, Cod. Hebr. 5(2)
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden A. 3
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden A. 4
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden A. 47
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden A. 5
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden A. 6
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden A. 7
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden A. sup. 106
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 135
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 142
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 143
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 144
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 145
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 164
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 167
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 23
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 44
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 5
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 501
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 597
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 611
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 803
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Bodley Or. 804
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canonici Or. 137
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canonici Or. 42
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canonici Or. 84
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 107
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 109
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 13
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 15
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 17
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 18
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 2
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 20
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 21
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 27
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 29
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 3
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 32
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 33
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 36
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 4
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 42
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 43
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 45
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 49B
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 57
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 58
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 60
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 65
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 68
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 73
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 74
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 79
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 81
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 87
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 89
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 9
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 90
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 96
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 117
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 128
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 15
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 16
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 166
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 234
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 252
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 261
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 300
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 327
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 34
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 517
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 563
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington 69
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington Don. 2
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington Don. 20
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington Don. 22
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington Don. 23
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington Don. 25
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington Don. 4
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Huntington Don. 5
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Kennicott 1
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Kennicott 5
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 100
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 101
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 103
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 115
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 117
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 118
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 126
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 152
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 158
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 166
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 233
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 234
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 269
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 271
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 293
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 310
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 316
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 322
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 93
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 96
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 98
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Laud Or. 99
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 10
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 114
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 116
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 21
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 225
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 285
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 344
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 382
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 410
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 45
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 499
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 509
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 510
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 574
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 580
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 590
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 607
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 631
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 635
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh 659
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 1
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 12
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 24
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 26
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 42
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 7
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 73
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 79
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 95
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Michael 384
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Michael 619
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Michael 9
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim 13
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 12
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 160
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 175
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 183
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 184
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 188
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 23
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 48
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 61
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 67
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 4° 97b
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 8° 10
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 8° 15
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 8° 47
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. 8° 9
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Oppenheim Add. fol. 18
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 108
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 134
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 238
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 276
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 285
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 347
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 395-396
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 68
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Pococke 7
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1008
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1009
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1024
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1028
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1034
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1051
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1061
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1065
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1069
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1074
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1100
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1108
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1125
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1128
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1131
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1134
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1136
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1143
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1168
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1170
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1172
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1178
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1186
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1196
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1198
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1202
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1204
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1218
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1219
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1221
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1223
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1227
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1233
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1234
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1236
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1237
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1239
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1240
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1245
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1280
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1283
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1284
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1334
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1342
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1467
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 1480
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 149
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 163
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 169
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 176
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 177
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 178
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 179
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 182
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 185
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 187
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 188
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 196
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 20
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 201
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 202
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 208
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 210
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 215
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 217
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 222
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 227
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 229
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 234
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 237
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 238
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 239
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 241
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 244
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 249
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 25
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 259
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 26
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 263
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 265
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 267
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 27
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 28
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 282
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 283
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 284
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 30
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 308
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 309
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 31
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 312
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 315
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 316
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 320
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 321
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 327
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 328-329
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 343
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 345
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 347
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 349
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 35
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 351
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 36
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 363
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 370
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 374
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 376
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 38
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 380
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 390
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 40
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 400
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 401
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 402
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 403
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 408
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 415
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 417
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 42
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 420
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 422
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 424
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 426
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 427
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 428
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 431
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 432
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 433
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 434
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 44
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 447
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 455
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 578
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 579
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 580
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 619
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 640
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 654
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 677
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 678
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 683
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 684
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 698
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 701
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 702
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 704
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 713
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 715
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 722
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 723
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 724
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 725
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 733
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 735
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 736
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 740
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 741
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 742
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 746
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 758
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 763
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 764
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 769
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 773
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 781,783
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 784
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 786
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 790
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 796
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 800
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 801
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 804
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 806
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 814
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 816
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 817
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 827
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 828
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 830
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 831
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 839
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 842
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 852
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 853
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 854
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 855
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 857
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 904
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 908
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 915
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 916
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 919
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 921
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 923
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 929
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 932
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 933
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 934
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 940
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 941
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 945
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 946
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 948
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 950
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 955
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 959
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 962
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 964
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 965
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 968
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 973
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 976
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 994
Paris, BnF MS. Hébreu 998
Parma, Cod. Parm. 1854
Parma, Cod. Parm. 2808
Parma, Cod. Parm. 3105
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1119
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1266
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1679
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1698
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1699
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1700
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1712
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1720+1732
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1726
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1734
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1735-1736
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1748
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1754
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1755
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1765
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1766
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1769
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1776
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1783
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1793
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1832
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1841
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1844
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1849
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1859
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1878
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1894
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1902
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1907
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1921
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1922
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1927
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1929+1935
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1936
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1940
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1943
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1958
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1989
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 1996-1997
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2005
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2012
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2013
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2018
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2019
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2025
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2042
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2048
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2052
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2062
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2065
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2069
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2074
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2075-2076
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2077
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2078
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2086
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2095
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2096
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2109
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2116
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2118
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2126
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2147
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2151-2153
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2155
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2157
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2162
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2169
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2177
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2182
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 2698
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 325
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 350
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 676
Parma, Palatina MS. Parm. 677
Philadelphia, Penn Museum B2924
Prato, Datini 1028_152v_1
Toronto, MS. Friedberg 9-001
Vatican MS. Ebr. 27
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 10
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 111
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 129 unit 1 (Rashi's commentary on Tractate Shabbat)
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 129 unit 2 (Tosafot Judah Sir Leon)
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 139
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 147
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 170
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 175
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 176
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 18
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 187
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 195
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 283 unit 1
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 283 unit 12-13
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 283 unit 9
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 308
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 308 unit 2
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 41
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 43
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 46
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 47
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 52
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 53
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 71
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 91
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 95
Vatican MS. Vat. Ebr. 99
Washington, MOTB SIG. MS. 858
Date (from)
1st Century CE
2nd Century CE
3rd Century CE
4th Century CE
5th Century CE
6th Century CE
7th Century CE
8th Century CE
9th Century CE
10th Century CE
11th Century CE
12th Century CE
13th Century CE
14th Century CE
15th Century CE
16th Century CE
17th Century CE
18th Century CE
19th Century CE
20th Century CE
21st Century CE
Date (to)
1st Century CE
2nd Century CE
3rd Century CE
4th Century CE
5th Century CE
6th Century CE
7th Century CE
8th Century CE
9th Century CE
10th Century CE
11th Century CE
12th Century CE
13th Century CE
14th Century CE
15th Century CE
16th Century CE
17th Century CE
18th Century CE
19th Century CE
20th Century CE
21st Century CE
Script Type
Oriental (South-West)
Oriental (North-East)
Oriental (Persian)
Sephardi (Maghreb)
Sephardi (Catalan/Provençal)
Sephardi (Italo-Sephardi)
Ashkenazi (Germany and Eastern Europe)
Ashkenazi (France)
Ashkenazi (Italo-Ashkenazi)
Script Mode
Non-square (Beinoni)
Item Subject
Bible commentary
Mishna commentary
Talmud commentary
Liturgy commentary
Kabbala and Mysticism
Magic and Divination
Estimated Geographical Area
Repository Country
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Repository Town/City
Sidney, Australia
Klosterneuburg, Austria
St. Paul, Austria
Wien, Austria
Brussels, Belgium
Montreal, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Santiago, Chile
Nelahozeves Castle, Czech Republic
Olomuc, Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic
Copenhagen, Denmark
Cairo, Egypt
Arras, France
Lyon, France
Marseille, France
Nimes, France
Paris, France
Rouen, France
Soissons, France
Strassbourg, France
Tours, France
Ansbach, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Bonn, Germany
Breslau, Germany
Cologne, Germany
Darmstadt, Germany
Dresden, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Freiburg, Germany
Fulda, Germany
Goettingen, Germany
Gotha, Germany
Halle, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Harburg, Germany
Heidelberg, Germany
Jena, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Kassel, Germany
Leipzig, Germany
Mainz, Germany
Marburg, Germany
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Trier, Germany
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Weimar, Germany
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Tel Aviv, Israel
Bologna, Italy
Cesena, Italy
Città di Castello, Italy
Cremona, Italy
Florence, Italy
Genova, Italy
Imola, Italy
Livorno, Italy
Mantova, Italy
Milan, Italy
Modena, Italy
Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Italy
Naples, Italy
Padova, Italy
Parma, Italy
Pesaro, Italy
Ravenna, Italy
Reggio Emilia, Italy
Roma, Italy
Rovigo, Italy
Siena, Italy
Torino, Italy
Udine, Italy
Venice, Italy
Vercelli, Italy
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Oslo, Norway
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Wroclaw, Poland
Lisboa, Portugal
Vila Viciosa, Portugal
Cluj, Romania
Moscow, Russia
St. Petersburg, Russia
Leon, Spain
Madrid, Spain
Poblet, Spain
Salamanca, Spain
San Lorenzo, Spain
Sant Cugat, Spain
Toledo, Spain
Valladolid, Spain
Lund, Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Basel, Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland
Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Zürich, Switzerland
Istanbul, Turkey
Austin, USA
Baltimore, USA
Boston, USA
Cambridge (MA), USA
Chicago, USA
Cincinnati, USA
Durham, USA
Florida, USA
Haverford, USA
Lawrence (NY), USA
Lehmann, USA
Los Angeles, USA
Michigan, USA
New Haven, USA
New York, USA
Orlando, USA
Philadelphia, USA
Princeton, USA
San Francisco, USA
Washington, USA
Czernivtsi, Ukraine
Husiatyn, Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine
Odessa, Ukraine
Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Leeds, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Manchester, United Kingdom
Oxford, United Kingdom
Warminster, United Kingdom
Meshed, Uran
Alessandria, Italy
Vatican, Vatican
Washington, USA
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Los Angeles, USA
Legnica, Poland
Kraków, Poland
Tel Aviv, Israel
Prato, Italy
Academy of Science (Cluj, Romania)
Accademia dei Lincei (Roma, Italy)
Alliance Israelite Universelle (Paris, France)
Ann Arbor (Michigan, USA)
Archivio di Stato di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
Archivio di Stato di Cremona (Cremona, Italy)
Archivio di Stato di Pesaro (Pesaro, Italy)
Archivo Notariale Mandamentale (Città di Castello, Italy)
Arciv des Benediktirenstift (St. Paul, Austria)
Badische Landesbibliothek (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Balliol College (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Bar-Ilan University Library (Ramat Gan, Israel)
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Munich, Germany)
Beinecke Library, Yale University (New Haven, USA)
Ben-Zvi Institute (Jerusalem, Israel)
Beth Din (formerly) (London, United Kingdom)
Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan, Italy)
Biblioteca Angelica (Roma, Italy)
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican, Vatican)
Biblioteca Capitolare (Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Italy)
Biblioteca Capitular (Toledo, Spain)
Biblioteca Casanatense (Roma, Italy)
Biblioteca Civica Berio (Genova, Italy)
Biblioteca Civica Panizzi (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Biblioteca Civica di Verona (Verona, Italy)
Biblioteca Classense (Ravenna, Italy)
Biblioteca Comunale Teresiana (Mantova, Italy)
Biblioteca Comunale di Imola (Imola, Italy)
Biblioteca Comunale di Siena (Siena, Italy)
Biblioteca Estense (Modena, Italy)
Biblioteca Laurenziana (Florence, Italy)
Biblioteca Malatestia (Cesena, Italy)
Biblioteca Marciana (Venice, Italy)
Biblioteca Marucelliana (Florence, Italy)
Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid, Spain)
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (Lisboa, Portugal)
Biblioteca Nani (Venice, Italy)
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (Florence, Italy)
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma Vit.Ema. (Roma, Italy)
Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III (Naples, Italy)
Biblioteca Palatina (Parma, Italy)
Biblioteca Reale di Torino (Torino, Italy)
Biblioteca Riccardiana (Florence, Italy)
Biblioteca Seminario Vescovile di Padova (Padova, Italy)
Biblioteca Universidad de Salamanca (Salamanca, Spain)
Biblioteca Universidad de Valladolid (Valladolid, Spain)
Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain)
Biblioteca del Palacio (Madrid, Spain)
Biblioteca del Seminario Arcivescovile (Udine, Italy)
Biblioteca dell'Accademia dei Concordi (Rovigo, Italy)
Biblioteca della Comunità Ebraica (Talmud Tora) (Torino, Italy)
Biblioteka Czartoryskich (Krakow, Poland)
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wroclawiu (Wroclaw, Poland)
Bibliotheca Bodmeriana (Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland)
Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Bibliothek des augustiner Chorherrenstift (Klosterneuburg, Austria)
Bibliothèque Centrale Juive (Geneva, Switzerland)
Bibliothèque Municipale (Marseille, France)
Bibliothèque Municipale (Arras, France)
Bibliothèque Municipale (Lyon, France)
Bibliothèque Municipale (Nimes, France)
Bibliothèque Municipale (Rouen, France)
Bibliothèque Municipale (Soissons, France)
Bibliothèque Municipale (Tours, France)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris, France)
Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (Strassbourg, France)
Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique (Brussels, Belgium)
Bibliothèque de Geneve (Geneva, Switzerland)
Bisno (Private) (Los Angeles, USA)
Bodleian Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Braginsky Collection (Zürich, Switzerland)
British Library (London, United Kingdom)
Brotherton Library, University of Leeds (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Burgerbliothek Bern (Bern, Switzerland)
CUL (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Casa de Braganca (Vila Viciosa, Portugal)
Catedral de León (Leon, Spain)
Catedral de Toledo (Toledo, Spain)
Centre Borja (Sant Cugat, Spain)
Chapira (Private) (Jerusalem, Israel)
Chester Beatty Library (Dublin, Ireland)
Chetham Library (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Christ Church Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Collegio Rabbinico di Roma (Roma, Italy)
Columbia University Library (New York, USA)
Combs (Private) (Los Angeles, USA)
Comunità Ebraica di Genova (Genova, Italy)
Comunità Ebraica di Padova (Padova, Italy)
Comunità Ebraica di Roma (Roma, Italy)
Comunità Ebraica di Venezia (Venice, Italy)
Comunità Ebraica di Verona (Verona, Italy)
Corpus Christi College (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Countway Library of Medicine (Boston, USA)
David & Yemima Jeselsohn Collection (Zürich, Switzerland)
David Sofer Collection (London, United Kingdom)
Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Duke University (Durham, USA)
Ecole Rabbinique de France (Paris, France)
Elberg (Yehuda) Collection (Montreal, Canada)
Emmanuel College Library. Cambridge University (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Ets-Haim Bibliotheek (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Fisher Library (University of Sydney) (Sidney, Australia)
Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Floersheim Collection (Zürich, Switzerland)
Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Universitaet Erfurt (Gotha, Germany)
Frankfurt (Schocken Photostats) (Frankfurt, Germany)
Free Library of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, USA)
Fuerstlich Oettingen-Wallensteinsches Archiv (Harburg, Germany)
Gesellschaft (Society for History & Antiquities) (Odessa, Ukraine)
Goldsmith Mus. of Chizuk Amuno Cong. (Baltimore, USA)
Greenwood Collection (private) (Toronto, Canada)
Haifa University (Haifa, Israel)
Harry Ransom Research Center Texas Univ. (Austin, USA)
Haverford College Library, Quaker Collection (Haverford, USA)
Hebrew Union College (Cincinnati, USA)
Hebrew Union College Klau Library (New York, USA)
Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbuttel, Germany)
Hessisches Staatsarchiv (Marburg, Germany)
Hispanic Society of America Library (New York, USA)
Historisches Archiv Der Stadt (Cologne, Germany)
Houghton Library, Harvard University (Cambridge (MA), USA)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Library (MTA) (Budapest, Hungary)
Hunterian at the University of Glasgow (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Imam Reza Shrine Library (Meshed, Uran)
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Washington, MOTB SIG. MS. 858: fol. 269
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